My current bus is my third. Bus No1 was RHD, bus No2 was LHD, and bus No3 is RHD again!
I had no intention originally of buying a LHD, and quite frankly the thought of driving one scared me! However, a LHD bus with only 6k miles on the clock, and at what I thought was a very reasonable asking price came up, and so I bagged it. My first drive of it was in central London, which was scary enough for me in my little RHD Pug 205, let alone a LHD bus! :shock:
As it happened I took to the LHD with hardly any problem at all, which really surprised me to be honest. Ok, sometimes I would grope for the petrol stirrer with the left hand, or I would jump in, only to discover that all the controls had been stolen..... until I remembered I was supposed to climb in on the other side! :lol:
The only reason I went back to a RHD was because the bus I currently own ticked several boxes for me, but now that I've experienced LHD, I wouldn't hesitate to own another one at some stage.