Seat padding

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Well-known member
May 10, 2010
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I'm looking at ordering some TMI seat covers from VW Heritage. Not sure which padding to use, the TMI foam stuff:" onclick=";return false;

Or the hair stuff:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Any one used either and has an opinion on pros/cons of each?

One vote for each :lol: still no wiser :)

I was tempted to go the hair route as it was original but if the foam is firmer I think that would give more support. Anyone tried both?
The coconut hair is actually firmer of the two and the foams and the comfier of the two, its a persoanl prefernce thing really.

The most crucial thing is to fit hesian sacks or our:" onclick=";return false;

Sisal spring covering over the springs to prevent the springs from eating away your new padding which ever you choose!
I went for the 'Horsehair' padding (coconut fibre in reality) but as Alex says you need to line the top of the seat before putting this onto the frame. Then add some extra padding (seating felt) to make the seat more comfortable and fill out the new cover better.

This won't help though if the springs are knackered in the seat base! They are what provide a firm but comfortable seat ;)
Cheers for all the info :) I think I prefer firmer so probably the horsehair for me. I had the sisal on my list as well. Mike, did you out extra padding as well then?
I used the 'hair' option, more like a rubberised coconut matting, plus I got some foam from a local upholsterer, thinkit was about an inch thick, tight fitting it all in, hair dryer on low setting came in useful
67westy said:
Cheers for all the info :) I think I prefer firmer so probably the horsehair for me. I had the sisal on my list as well. Mike, did you out extra padding as well then?

Yes, I added extra padding, if you check out my thread about half way down page 4 you can see the padding I used.

Then, I realised two of the springs needed doing on the driver's seat, so had to take it all off again :lol:


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