VW Heritage Fuch's

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2006
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West Sussex

Anybody running the Fuch replicas (the 112 PCD versions) sold by VW Heritage?

I know they are 15"x5.5" but I wondered what the offset was like - with regards to fitting under the rear arches of a 71.

Also, any ideas what the build quality of them is like?


I would assume they are the same offset as the BRM and Empis they sell. If so, then they will fit under the rear arches fine on a 71.
I have been told that the same wheels from MWS on a 130 pcd have a very good offsett and sit in very nice....shame :(
Ahhh... I didn't realise MWS did fuch replicas.

I just checked the MWS site and they do a 15"x4.5" in 112 PCD - which should sit very nicely under the front to give that thin/fat look :)

Only thing is - I get the impression (from forums etc) that there are quite a few unhappy bunnies who bought wheels from MWS.

Would this impression be valid? i.e. should I bypass MWS?


Mmm yep avoid them if you can. I bought some fully polished Empi 5's from them last year for the bay and when they turned up they were polished but with some horrible scratching to them where they were'nt finished properly :roll: I put them on the van anyway which was being built up under canvass but removed them after 2 months as they'd started oxydising and pitting quite badly. And they weren't even run up yet so the excuse they gave me about road salt is bullsh*t :x
Now the vans nearing completion it took me a day yesterday to re polish and treat the wheels :roll:
Moral of the story is pay once and get the right ones first time :D
The cheap Heritage ones ARE MWS wheels. That's where they get them. You want the Flat 4 ones. Miles better. Heritage are out of stock until mid summer. If you get 5.5s they'll look like this. I just put mine on my 71...

fit perfectly front and back on my lowered van. They're proper Porsche pattern though, so you'd need adapters.
willi76: Do you think it's possible that MWS had some batches of "lesser quality" wheels? i.e. they do sell a shed load of wheels... is the "quality issues" confined to a single product line i.e. Empi 5's only?

Shane R: Nice bus dude. Almost identical colours to our 71 danbury (which is a tintop).

I've never been 100% convinced on running adapters. If I go pukka Porsche route I'd get re-drilled drums and discs.


You've only got to ask about to get the general feel for MWS wheels :cry:
It just seems that the wheels they sell are cheap because of the materials they use and the finish when they're sent out. It also doesn't look like its one type too (Empi 5's). A good friend has BRMs which have gone the same way in less than a year. A lot of people also say the grade of Ali in the wheels is crap hence the quick deterioration of the metal. I just wish i'd known this before blowing over £400 on wheels only to have to work on them to get them to what they were supposed to be :roll:
Flat 4 or Java wheels seem a hell of a lot better quality but do some research before shelling out those sponds :wink:
The MWS Fuchs don't even look like originals. You can see they are snide copies from 100 yards.
The Flat 4 ones are a much better copy & a decent quality.

MWS have a habit of sending out moody wheels with wheel bolts that are too long. When you fit them, they knock the brakes off!

MWS are cheap, that's why the sell so many wheels. Do your homework first.
Pete: Thanks, I appreciate your comments. And in a way (I think cos of the flat profile of each "spoke") I kind of like the MWS/Heritage fuch BECAUSE it isn't an exact fuch replica.

Also, before starting this thread I have already emailed Flat4, MoonEyes and a few others regarding their 112 PCD wheel range.

However, I do get the picture towards MWS wheels therefore I won't be going down that route.


Note: It is/was not my intention for this to evolve into a diss MWS thread.
MWS wheels are ok as long as you know what you are getting. The price is keen for a set of alloys full stop. Just be aware of what they really are. (& measure the wheel bolts first).
I've heard of people that have had good results with MWS too.

On the Flat Four Fuchs issue, I went round the houses on the Fuch rep issue myself which lead me to these wheels. Even the porsche forum people recommended them. You can't tell the difference, especially if you get genuine caps like mine.

On the adapter issue, I've been in the VW 'scene' for many years and have never heard of a single incident involving adapters that were properly installed. Butty on VZI makes them himself and even custom skimmed my rear set to give me more clearance. He supplied the adapters, nuts for plates, bolts for wheels and a set of lockers- all for £100 if memory serves. Just worth a thought.
Butty's stuff is anice bit of kit. You will then have the choice to run other Porsche rims.

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