Westy Canvas

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
Halesowen, West Midlands
Hi all,

I've done a search and this has come up a few times but not in recent years - time to replace my Westy canvas :(

I've narrowed it down to two options I think, the Schofields one (made by Wolfsburg West I believe) looks to be the best but is now an eye watering £755!

Schofields Canvas

Or the other option is the Custom & Commercial one at a slightly more reasonable £390.

C&C Canvas

This one is made by C&C themselves and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with either canvas and do you think that as C&C make it themselves it will be of good quality (and fit!).

Also, my bus is a 1970, would it originally have been orange/yellow or tan? Any ideas why VW chose those colours (other than to attract the local insects!)
I'm hoping my daughter is going to sleep up there so currently
leaning towards a darker colour just so she doesn't get up too early in the summer!

Any help gratefully received!

Some pics of my bus below cos I'm proud of her and well, why not right!?

View attachment tempImagedanODk.jpgtempImage8Zq724.jpgtempImageZ69rzs.jpg
bus depot canvas is nice
$320 usf or $256 gbp
they have a few options for colors and materials. We went with the tan because it matches well with the ezy awning and orange/yellow sucks for a tent color in the summer
I don’t have a Westy, however I have a Devon pop top and should really have asked about before I fitted my new pop top canvas in a yellow fabric. The flies love it, the moths love it, the wasps love it, and anything with wings think it’s absolutely ace. It’s not worn out yet but I’m toying with the idea of replacing it anyhow.

20230805_113110.jpegOzziedog,,,,,,,,,after a particularly vicious battle with two wasps ;)
I replaced my canvas with a WW one about ten years ago . It was eye watering bright orange and I did love it, but it’s faded down to a mild yellow/tan after a couple of years.
I know it’s expensive (about twice now what I paid) but some cheap canvases I’ve seen have been awful.
Eu não tenho um Westy, mas tenho um Devon pop top e realmente deveria ter perguntado antes de ajustar minha nova lona pop top em um tecido amarelo. As moscas adoram, as mariposas adoram, as vespas adoram, e qualquer coisa com asas acha que é absolutamente incrível. Ainda não está desgastado, mas estou brincando com a ideia de substituí-lo de qualquer maneira.

View attachment 10437Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,depois de uma batalha particularmente violenta com duas vespas;)
The wasp scratched the entire van
I need to replace mine as well so interested to hear peoples opinions
Might be worth mentioning "CamperVanCulture" who I have also been looking at, though their main focus is the T25, but their T2 Westie canvasses are, according to Jed the owner, the best money can buy, he having carried out considerable amounts of R&D and having the canvasses manufactured for CVC to his specifactions. They come with reinforced corners and I ma told a nice, tight as a drum, fit. On the CVC website for £291.66 plus postage. They also offer a fitting service but that is I think(?) somewhere in the region of up to £500 extra . I'm not endorsing them, but think I may take the plunge later this year as I stupidly managed to rip mine when manhandling the roof up into place - derr. (I bought two struts to assist putting the Westie top up but can't work out how to fit them without them interfering with the Westie childrens bedframe - think maybe I'm being a bit thick)
FYI CVC have in the past offered a 10% off Black Friday deal if you can hold off until then.

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