Which campervan club should I go with ?

Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all, I've just insured my bay and got a decent price under the conditions that I join a campervan club associated with my insurance, is there a popular club for bay windows ? Thanks
This one! My insurance in the past has counted internet forums as a club for their purposes. I'd double check with yours first first though.
Second that - tell them that your a member of Earlybay.com 8)
When I got my first bus six months ago I just joined the first forum I came accross which was late bay. I soon realised early bay was where I was ment to b
My insurance is with adrian flux they also did a discount for being a member of a club. This confused me at first but they said a forum was fine and on my documents they put down early and late bay forum.
... I only use this one now :lol:
we are a paid up member of the ABVWC that's all you need ;)

http://www.abvwc.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

normally your forum member number is enough to do.

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