Wiring loom advice

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all

I've been trying to install my old wiring loom behind the dash board, I originally marked as many wires as I could but as I was doing this, various wires fell of there spade connectors which means there's multiple wires I can't figure out where they go.

I've tried to install it as per the wiring diagram found on the samba, but the harness I have appears to be different in to many ways to make this a difficult task.

I have a feeling it's been altered in the past because most of the wire colours don't corrospond to the diagram.

So after 2 & half days of pissing about with it, I have essentially achieved naff all.

Would the experts among you please recommend a solution to my dilemma,

I've found new harnesses which cost £300 for a full kit but I only really need the dash part.

Is a new loom the way to go?

A new loom is a bit drastic,

You need to try and find an autoelectrician that is also a keen vw enthusiast or take it to a VW garage that is know to be good at wiring and wont bodge it.

I ended up having a whole nest of useless added cables removed by getting a mate who's an autoelectrician to go through it for me.
As long as the wiring itself is in good condition, then a new loom isn't required, just a good auto electrician. Over time tho wires become brittle and break. Most crucial decision You need to make is whether the wires are in a good condition as repairing naff wiring will only make for a very temporary fix, and will ultimately cost you more in the long run, as auto electricians aren't cheap to hire....decent ones anyway.

own a Bay?........Feel the love!
If I understand correctly, VW Looms also sell the section that goes from the fusebox to the dash. Could be exactly what you need and could save the autoelectrician fees?
It's usually not too difficult to work it all out but I can understand how you could struggle if someone has been playing before,

It's best getting yourself a piece of paper and working out what you have got and what you are missing etc (as in functions, feeds too and from the fuse box)

Then for the stuff you don't know what it's for you have to trace as to where it's going or coming from. You may need to get yourself a meter and do a continuity test to bell all the circuits out.

You can't really get much simpler than a camper but the electrics should still be taken seriously as it could mean bye bye bay if they catch fire.

If your unsure get professional help.

I also struggled with the wiring diagrams and ended up having to work it out all out with two (uk and USA versions).

If your local I don't mind having a look.
Are you sure you picked the right wiring diagram off the samba as the uk and us ones are different and there are significant changes throughout the years so it's worth double checking what you have is the right one.

Although wiring gets played with over the years I've yet to find a bus where the wiring colours don't tally to the diagram in some way shape or form
was going to say as Graham above - in the Bentley workshop book there are at least 2 different wiring diagrams for a 1971.....

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