Your opinions on my respray plans

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

I think I'm going to go with metallic green for my respray, like this:


My best paint shop pro attempt.

What do you think? :)

Fairly stock but with a few extras:

Remote central locking
Electric windows
Adjustable front beam

Soon to have 3600watt sound system :D
Pretty repulsive colour :lol: what ever floats yor boat after all its your crewie.... are you keeping steel wheels ? clear indicators?
Cheers Araon, dont hold back will you :lol:

No, will be going for alloys but havent settled on any yet.
Yeah I will be going for clear indicators.

Pearl white bumpers and roof, will also get a white toneau cover.
:lol: Sounds ok.... as with pancho I like commercials in OG colours but then it would be a dull old world if we all liked the same thing....
I'm quite lucky that my mother-in-laws partner runs his own spray shop so I know I'm going to get a spot on job :D

Its going to be totally stripped out, all inside the cab sprayed to match.

I'm must admit that I'm very excited :D

Planning a new interior too, getting the seats recovered to be in green and cream to match the paint. The thing is the seats are already in excellent original condition so I'm thinking it would be a shame to recover them. I was thinking of finding someone who had ripped manky ones to do a swap and some cash my way. Anyone know of anyone who would be interested? I'll have to post some pics of the seats soon.
looks super bright! i would be careful as it may be VERY bright in the sun!

Could tone it down to suit 8) otherwise, just go for it! 8)
my fave Crew cab is JK's and its a nice dark green (not sure if it metallic?) or og colour but it looks the dogs danglies
Johnnyâ„¢ said:
cost £60K to build

WTF!?!?!? That's a nice DC, but 60K, wow! Great color also not being og color, that I usually favour. I think that was Polo color or something?

I was thinking savannah beige or Oval window Prairie beige to my bus, but would like something different that everyone else, but still classic and from VW color chart.
I dont normally like greens at all but that does look v nice. Though I really like the blue that it was originally (Im guessing its yours I saw at Dubs and Rods ?)

(Keep your original seats - then you could always put em back in if you ever change your mind)

Lovely EB - look forward to seeing it green!

FS 8)
Yeah it was me at dubs n rods.

That blue isnt the original colour, its a slightly lighter blue on the inside.

Its letting in water in a few places so I'm changing all the rubbers and getting any little patches fixed, hence having it resprayed at the same time. I decided to go for something of a modern classic look and the green caught my eye :)
Thats John Kings crewie isnt it? That is a stunning truck, my inspiration. I wanted a crewie for years, when I saw my one for sale for a mere £5500 I couldnt say no, especially as johns was up for £18k and way out of my price range :lol:
Im not really a fan of green but then again its not mine :wink:
Cant you get some spare metal and have a couple of colour cards painted so you can look at different colours before deciding, what looks good on photoshop might not be acheivable in reality
I'm usually a fan of original VW colours, but it's your DC and you should do what you want - ultimately it will make your ride individual...isn't that what we all want?

Go for it!!! (and why not add some metalflake while you're at it for that '70's look?)

Araon said:
I contemplated metal flake on the bus ...just couldnt (no balls) even though I love it.....

As a child of the 1970's I'd love to have the chance to recreate the toys I used to play with - metalflake hotwheels were the ones to have! 8)

i quite like it, looks.. different! :D

However, creating a 'green vw' WONT bring down your CO2 emissions :lol: