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Early Bay Forum

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  1. 6

    This looks interesting.

    I might be fitting some thing like that to my next hot rod build.
  2. 6

    Door mirror loose

    PTFE tape
  3. 6

    What's everyone working on ?

    Stuck at home waiting for my back to get better as it spasmed this morning, still the oil filter adaptor I ordered of the bay has reportedly turned up today (if you can believe the email) . Its for the Rover V8 thats going in my next hot rod build ,the Herferod (its an Austin Hereford , see...
  4. 6

    Breather hose connection

    Be careful as the nut from the end will be floating around inside the air filter and could get sucked in the carb possibly jamming the throttle open.
  5. 6

    What's everyone working on ?

    I need to finish cleaning the roof on the panel so I can take pics but need some polish. Working on the Austin hot rod trying to get jobs done before the car show at the Three Counties in April.
  6. 6

    best place to sell my van

    Yes someone else said market place.
  7. 6

    best place to sell my van

    Suggestions please as need to get Spliffy sold ASAP.
  8. 6

    M4 again !

    That's what happens when you use the lowest tender, they had to replace all the M5 crash barriers up my way as they found they were just 6ins in the loose ground. They found out when a lorry went through killing a driver in the opposite lane.
  9. 6

    Car resto/ custom TV programmes.

    They had to redo the front suspension and steering as it was "undrivable" ,looks like they got the axle set up wrong but then you do need to know how to scratch build so it is correct. I bought a camber/castor gauge to set the suspension on my hot rod Austin A40 as it has air ride.
  10. 6

    Bodges and really bad mods.

    As an MOT tester I have seen it all, best was a mini with badly beaten out repair panels stick welded on the inner and outer sills that prised off with a screw driver. He gave up coming back after 3 failed retests!!! When I cut off the n/s sill on my panel I found it was patched over a big lump...
  11. 6

    Mr Ozziedog

    I second that, nice one Oz
  12. 6

    Car resto/ custom TV programmes.

    I watch Bad Chad on You tube as they do an hour each night recorded but mostly unedited so you see it warts and all. He did some TV shows and he said they had to rush build to meet the producers schedule and they edit for drama .
  13. 6

    Car resto/ custom TV programmes.

    Not according to the hot rod shop that had to do a lot of work on the Ford pop rod they built, saying that its not the sort of thing they are used to custom fabricating parts. Watch Bad Chad on You tube if you want to learn about body work.
  14. 6

    Calling the paint buffs.

    Could be a "custom" mix as in we have this paint and that paint and if we mix might have enough for a respray. Done that myself (not to paint a car) so I had enough for the job.
  15. 6

    68 front beam

    heading for the skip, well Daves old trailer where he puts his scrap!!