Recent content by Raggles

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  1. Raggles

    Brakes seized on

    I have got this excellent explainer from The Samba - The booster has internal valving that, when you press the pedal, simultaneously admits fresh air into the space in front of the diaphragm and shuts off the vacuum connection to that front area. That leaves atmospheric pressure on one side of...
  2. Raggles

    Brakes seized on

    Curious as to why it would lock the brakes on if it was a hose issue? ... I don't fully understand the servo, but I thought when you depressed the brake it closed equalisation ports creating a vacuum and on release opened them creating balance? If that is the case wouldn't it suggest that for...
  3. Raggles

    Brakes seized on

    Well ... disconnected the vacuum hose and plugged. Brakes now work fine but no servo assist. Engine runs smoothly without hunting. I assume this means the servo needs a recondition/replacement? Can you get rebuild kits?
  4. Raggles

    Brakes seized on

    The plot thickens ... All wheels are now turning freely when the negine is off and the brakes working fine. Engine on ... brake lights lit and brakes locked on - assume it must be something to do with the servo? Vacuum return valve? If so can it be temporarily disabled ... ie disconnect the hose...
  5. Raggles

    Brakes seized on

    Been away for 3 years due to life. Trying to get the van back on the road. Its been parked up under a tarpaulin fo 2 1/2 years. Fired up beautifully but the brakes are siezed. Am used to this on the rear drums with the parking brake ... have freed these up and the rears are turning fine...
  6. Raggles

    Initial engine break-in setup — running rough

    My two penneth worth ... hopefully it might help. Make sure you have no leaks on the intake ... at the connections to the heads and as well make sure the carb is bolted down tight enough ... can make set up impossible if not ... check vacuum hose for brakes for leak plus any hose take off for...
  7. Raggles

    Bus, meet Beamer (An Electric Story)

    Interesting project Interested in if you are keeping tabs on the development of battery tech?.Presumably it will be relatively easy to drop out the battery trays? It looks like semi solid state batteries might be making an appearance this year ....and the speed that EV adoption is happening...
  8. Raggles

    Gearbox Experts please

    Ah .... but how do you know if they know their stuff ... without some input from the clever people on here ;) 8)
  9. Raggles

    backfire question

    Hi Matt, No not got round to it yet. I know I have to fit a new exhaust and I also have a replacement manifold I need to fit. Once this is all done I will test again. If it were me I wouldn't go anywhere near the heat risers with propane ... spray some carb cleaner or such like in the vicinity...
  10. Raggles

    Long Cranking

    Suggest that you also take a look where your fuel lines are ... make sure there is clear air between them and anything hot. With the ethanol in modern fuel if it gets heated up when you are stationary then it can expand and flood the system making it hard to start. I had this on mine with the...
  11. Raggles

    VW repair/maintenance courses.

    There was a full download of the Bentley manual on the samba web site ... I printed mine out and have it in a lever arch file. In my experience Bentley tells you what to do .... The Bugme videos demonstrate how - the advantage being you can rewind and watch as many times as you want.
  12. Raggles

    VW repair/maintenance courses.

    Lee, it may not be your thing but I found the Rick Higgins Bug Me videos a great starting point. They might be worth taking a look if you don't know them ... you can order them direct (don't know if there is a uk stockist).
  13. Raggles

    Key turning but no start

    If the starter motor clicks I would start with checking the motor and solenoid .... Every now and then my starter motor clicks with no joy, I use the John Muir trick of using a big screwdriver to bridge the power on the starter to check it turning - if ok I then do the second check and bring...
  14. Raggles

    Upper Balljoint Boot Question

    Thanks vinvan, I will give it a go and see how I fare ... I think getting grease in will be necessary to push the skirt of the boot down as currently it wants to stay right up at the top. Comforting to know you managed it without taking the thing apart.