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  1. S

    Driving license entitlement

    Do you need to pay for the medical? Where can you go for them? Sorry forgot to add i am the tender age of 43 and did not want to get caught with me pants down and nabbed with no license. So for motorcycle i just reapply,is that at a cost? For C+E i need medical? Regards. Sharky.
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    Driving license entitlement

    Quick question........ After you have taken and passed your various tests and you get the length of time shown on the license to hold the relevant category with the expiry date,do you have to retake the tests or just reapply to get them put back on when you reach the date? Did i make that...
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    Breakdown Recovery ......which one is recommended

    Eh up fellas. My AA cover is up for renewal in the new year and the AA have just sent the renewal reminder through the post. For cover in any vehicle for my self if am a passenger or driver giving me roadside assistance and recovery to onward destination has gone up to a wopping £139.99!!! I...
  4. S

    Road fund license to be scrapped??

    Just had a conversation with a colleague at work where he spoke about car tax being scrapped in the future and folded in to fuel duty? So much for low emission cars with zero or low car tax bracket,seems that every motorist will have to pay whether driving an economic car or a gas guzzler!! If...
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    Draining the carb??

    Plan to lay the van up shortly before the first road salt is laid. In the past i used to run the engine atleast once a fortnight to keep everything ticking over,but,my question is,is this good or bad for the engine? Am i just building up moisture in the engine and xhorst to which eventually the...
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    What did you do with your early bay today

    /\/\/\/\ whs +1 :lol: :lol:
  7. S

    sticky cable??

    Have had one of Butty's kits fitted,improved the response no end,just got that annoying sticky throttle on shut down :?
  8. S

    sticky cable??

    Have set up the engine now that is repaired,went for a short drive and upon closing the throttle at junctions the carb stays open about 2mm off the stepped cam sending the revs above normal like i'm Reginald Perrins at idle. I have lubed the linkage and made sure i did not pull the cable too...
  9. S

    The Outcome......STEVE STRONG ENGINES.

    :party0023: Big thanks go out to Dave aka Whirligig aka 67panel for bailing me out of the *****. I finally fired up the van checked the thermostat and flaps were working correctly and took it for a drive all of 3 miles (it looked like rain :lol: :lol: ). All sounded quiet and pulled ok...
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    What did you do with your early bay today

    :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: Finally reinstated the exhaust,towbar,rear valance and bumper last night and fired up Valerie and the engine sounded really quiet. Waited til this morning before i backed out of...
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    Not aircooled but does anyone have any experience with......

    so will i have to remove the exhaust with all n sundrie to do this using the kit you advise from fleabay or do i just start the car let it warm up then place some weight on the accelerator and spray into the air box then let it run?? Regards.
  12. S

    Steve Strong - Congratulations on getting married

    I totally agree,in my case both engine cases had faults. Unit one had crumbling case where the oil filter fits in by the sump and instead of having 6 studs i had 5 and the sixth was damaged beyond repair,no alloy left to even helicoil or put another stud in because the opening had crumbled so...
  13. S

    Not aircooled but does anyone have any experience with......

    Don't want to sound stupid but can you dumb it down for me :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol: ,which part did you strip down and clean,did you rinse it off or wipe it away??? Regards.
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    Accuspark firing order

    stupid question i know but did you wire up the dissy to the coil correctly??
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    Not aircooled but does anyone have any experience with......

    is the kit self explanatory?? do i just spray it in the intact with the engine idling or at revs?or spray it then go for a thrash?
  16. S

    Not aircooled but does anyone have any experience with......

    Thanks for the replies fellas. It's the 140bhp model and yes there was a reading of over boost when the garage plugged it in. So what can I do myself? Is there any kind of spray like carb cleaner I can use or is it gonna cost me to remedy it? You say it might be a new turbo?It is not noisy like...
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    Not aircooled but does anyone have any experience with......

    Modern Diesel Engines. Our daily drive,(i say our because the wife drives it 98% of the time,i drive it when it needs fuel :lol: :lol: ) is an Audi A3 2.0 Tdi. Last week while i was on my way up to Moseley for a Rugby Tournament the coil light came on and the engine went into limp mode. I...
  18. S

    What did you do with your early bay today

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D managed to make a start and build up the engine to turnkey less the exhaust ready to refit in about 4 days time when family life permits. Can't wait and feeling apprehensive to see if repair has worked :|
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    Look what I just found!!!o.o

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