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  1. Stuartk

    Tailgate tents.

    Thanks Clem
  2. Stuartk

    Tailgate tents.

    Had a look , looks easy but Ozziedog made a good point about storage of all those parts and as a 6ft 1 guys would still need to put the seat down . But thanks for the info
  3. Stuartk

    Tailgate tents.

    Hi Ozziedog, thanks for that I believe your right about the name. I was interested only because I thought it would be a good idea. Maybe I should give up on that and have ago at making a rack and pinion steering rack kit for my 72 Bay
  4. Stuartk

    Tailgate tents.

    Not sure if the lady comes with it 🤔
  5. Stuartk

    Tailgate tents.

    Any one know where you can get one of these?
  6. Stuartk

    Ben's 72 Bay

    Is that a propex heater under the bed? I fitted one under my 72 bay connected to the orginal pipe work at the front and floor . If it is how do you find it ?
  7. Stuartk

    Missing thermostat and flaps.

    Nigel , do you want to ring me as I may have a solution to you getting theses heater flaps if you still require them . Stuartk
  8. Stuartk

    New seats ???

    Hi guys not sure how old this thread is. I use mx5 seats with head rest. I used to have saab leather seats which were comfy but Mrs ks feet would touch the floor. So I fitted the second hand mx5 seats and that sorted the height issue. Reasonably comfortable. They do have adjustable headrests .
  9. Stuartk

    Fuel tank breathers

    Once I sealed all the leaking old fuel pipe breather pipes together with a new fuel cap I suffered a break down where my electric fuel pump could not draw fuel from the tank. I then realised that I had no tank breather arrangement. I fitted an inline breather valve venting up the air intake ...
  10. Stuartk

    Cornwall ‘22

    Sparkywig, how do you get around the speedo reading inaccurately ?
  11. Stuartk

    Cornwall ‘22

    I will try and find the report sheets and have a look
  12. Stuartk

    Cornwall ‘22

    Your probably right about that
  13. Stuartk

    Buddy 1970 Early Bay

    Thanks thats great . I want to insulate under the seats better so that's an ideal time to photo that. Cheers
  14. Stuartk

    Ignition coil fail

    It is well spotted and attached to an oil cooler with fan above the gear box. Works a bit too well as the oil doesn't get above 90 degrees as the fan cuts in at 80 degrees . Well done
  15. Stuartk

    Cornwall ‘22

  16. Stuartk

    Cornwall ‘22

    Clear plastic extentions to the cooling intakes to scoop more air
  17. Stuartk

    Buddy 1970 Early Bay

    Guys ,Where would I find the M plate for my 72 Bay . Is there a normal location .
  18. Stuartk

    Ben's 72 Bay

    Can I ask did you fit all 4 shocks
  19. Stuartk

    Ignition coil fail

    Interesting thread, I use a 123 electronic ignition with a viper coil with no issues for years. Test the new coils resistance before fitting them as even new ones can suffer shorts.
  20. Stuartk

    Cornwall ‘22

    Thanks sparkwig, the tyres make a 500 rpm difference awesome. Going to see what I can do about the fronts. A bit close one side following a poor arch change before I got dillon but they are good to go.