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Early Bay Forum

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  1. B

    Gumtree - Crossover in Kent" onclick=";return false; Ad says some rust but interior looks tidy.
  2. B

    For the technically challenged...

    At the age of 15 I had only just learnt what WD40 was and could just about tighten the brakes on my bike. :roll:
  3. B

    Danbury Tintop on Gumtree" onclick=";return false; Also, as an FYI, couple of interesting non-earlybay VWs: 76 Pop Top:" onclick=";return false; Cheap 72...
  4. B

    WANTED: Westy 8-9K

    In my searches, I've come to realise just how much of a premium is paid in the UK for vans, be they imported or otherwise. Found a California/Florida '70 Westy that looks pretty straight and clean for less than $3,000 but wouldn't know the first thing about importing to be able to get it...
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    2 electrical failures 1 to go?

    What religion is that where you have a god who goes on school trips?
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    Colour Suggestions - Let the Fight Begin!!

    Totally agree with that. Do it for you, not for someone else. However, if you are in two minds about the colour to go for, I'd say stick to VW paint from around the right age, especially if you're keeping to a stock appearance in general - might not be correct for the year of your bus etc but...
  7. B

    Replacement Westy Roof

    Can I ask people how easy it is to find and replace the pop-roof on an early westy - front hinged? I had a look on Just Kampers but could only find the later, rear hinged version. Either way, looks like they come in at about £2k which, for a bit of fibre glass, seems a bit steep!!
  8. B

    Bay panel van, tax exempt. Lovely!

    Hang on, hang on - that's not serious right? I might know some people who are willing to pay more than that, admittedly perhaps not a great deal more, but at that price....
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    WANTED Bay under 1K

    I found something under £1,000:" onclick=";return false; :roll:
  10. B


    Only in Kingston so it's not a huge distance, more a case of having a free weekend! I should have a spare weekend soon.....
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    I'm still interested too. Showed the pic to the missus and she liked it so that's a good start. Just need to work out when I'm free to drive that far north!
  12. B

    80 inches

    I'm confused now. I thought that was plenty of headroom. Perhaps I won't b getting a bay after all. :| :cry: Please could people post with what height their van is, the type and how much they've lowered it? On lowering, what's a sensible drop (and how much does that lower the height if...
  13. B

    80 inches

    :shock: A pop-top will fit won't it? Scott was saying 76" for one of them. I must have a pop top, RHD (ahem Scott/Graham etc....) Just need to liquidate some investments (i.e. pull some money out of my premium bonds) and then it's time for a bay! :mrgreen:
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    80 inches

    Measured the garage I have lined up. 80 inches of headroom. This makes me happy. :-D Most things will fit in there right?
  15. B

    RHD Earlybay westy ***SOLD***

    It's right up my street Scott but need to find a garage first that I can keep a bus in. Also, you're in Cornwall right? That's a long way to go in the winter months. I thought they closed the bridge on 1st Sepetmber. Can you put up some photos of her innards as that may tempt me more. Also...
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    Wiki anyone?

    There's an answer for everything on EarlyBay... :lol: I do see the concerns people might have but at the same time, I wonder if you're getting a bit bogged down in the technical detail. The idea of a wiki is that everyone contributes their own thoughts so that general consensus reaches an...
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    Wiki anyone?

    Been loitering about this board for a while a made a few posts previously but lost my username and password.... Anyway, looking to get my first camper (Early Bay of course) over the coming months and been getting into all the details about what to buy, what to do etc and putting in all the leg...