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Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2009
Reaction score
Medway, Kent
Hi all

Seeing the "What did you restore before your bay???" made me feel so inadequate…

I stand in awe of most of the guys on this forum, there is such a lot of amazing talent and ability here. Britain’s got talent has nothing on you guys. Seeing the ability of so many makes me feel a bit of a fraud.

I can work a screwdriver if I have the instructions to hand, and I generally get the right end of spanner...well sometimes. Generally speaking I’m pretty technically challenged yet love my camper.

I just wanted to see who else out there will own up to not being quite so technical. I guess if nothing else I’ll keep someone employed!!
I'm not the most mechanically minded - know very little about engines as never had to rebuild one (cams, shims and followers confuse me :D) or suspension, steering bits and the like - all I've done is learnt along the way and every time I do something I learn a little bit more, all about approaching each challenge with the correct attitude and patience in my book! (and asking questions of the guru's!!) but there's plenty that I'll hold my hands up to not knowing!

I'd love to be able to weld and paint though - thinking about night school :)
never mind some have got it some aint,but keep practicing you never know ;) mind you keeped me in a job
Baldrick said:
Hi all

Seeing the "What did you restore before your bay???" made me feel so inadequate…

I stand in awe of most of the guys on this forum, there is such a lot of amazing talent and ability here. Britain’s got talent has nothing on you guys. Seeing the ability of so many makes me feel a bit of a fraud.

I can work a screwdriver if I have the instructions to hand, and I generally get the right end of spanner...well sometimes. Generally speaking I’m pretty technically challenged yet love my camper.

I just wanted to see who else out there will own up to not being quite so technical. I guess if nothing else I’ll keep someone employed!!

At the age of 15 I had only just learnt what WD40 was and could just about tighten the brakes on my bike. :roll:
Everybody is good at different things, i can't cook, use computers that well or decorate but i can rebuild engines, gearboxes or anything mechanical, i'm not too bad at electric's and wiring.Ii'm a pretty good sprayer but if you asked be to pull a huge dent out of the front of a bay, it would proberly end up looking worse :lol:

Everyone has their trade and talent, i went for a run with Grazy 1 afternoon in his panelvan and afterwards watched him fit a carpet, he cut and layed it in what seemed no time at all, i was like WOW :shock:
cant follow instructions due to the fact that i am dyslexic so unless i am shown how to do something then i haven't got a clue. Though the wife says its because i am a man!
I hate computers :x
Just spent 20 mins typing massive heart felt response to this thread and then lost connection,
But think Westy Richardson sumed it up well :)
I've been a paint sprayer for 21 years and was taught to weld at 13 buy my dad but the bus is my first real project.
I guess I'm fairly technically minded as I've been taking things apart since I was a kid - what this forum has taught me, though, is that anyone can learn and have a go themselves.

I'd far rather read a resto thread by someone that has learnt as they went along than a resto about a van that has been dropped off at a garage to have 'everything done' - I appreciate that for some this is the only option all the same.

I don't like computers mainly because i hate the fact that something made from plastic has a higher IQ than me :?

:lol: :lol:
Justin & Muttley said:
I guess I'm fairly technically minded as I've been taking things apart since I was a kid - what this forum has taught me, though, is that anyone can learn and have a go themselves.

I'd far rather read a resto thread by someone that has learnt as they went along than a resto about a van that has been dropped off at a garage to have 'everything done' - I appreciate that for some this is the only option all the same.
I'm the same, i can take most things apart its the putting them back together where i struggle :lol: :lol:
My camper might not be show and shine but i know that (nearly) everything that has been done to it i have done or been involved in doing 8) 8) 8)

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