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  1. erin-rae

    Where, oh where, has my Danbury gone?

    Aw, that's a heart touching story, I hope you find her. I am nowhere near Fareham so am of no use whatsoever, but will keep my fingers crossed xx :D Don't know if this would help... Organisation Cool Flow VW Club Location and Contact Chris Hull Liason Point The Golden Bowler Public House...
  2. erin-rae

    Bristol Christmas Cruise 2007 - 16th December 2007.

    True, it was soooo busy! Wonder what the count will be next year? :shock: Hope to have Blu up and running well before then, she is still in the garage, I have been doing the odd bit, found a sink and cooker, all good! Ebay has its uses! Just need to get her bubbling again and make her...
  3. erin-rae

    Bristol Christmas Cruise 2007 - 16th December 2007.

    Hey all, long time, no posting. We attended the cruise before Christmas, over 100 vehicles (I think the official count was 110??) It was great. We didn't go in Blue though as she still has her engine in bits (thanks to GSF for giving us wrong parts so couldnt finish her!). So we went in the...
  4. erin-rae

    Top ten people with to much time on their hands

    oh boy, oh boy, what an image of you guys I have now, pants on the outside/no pants, dunking your nobs and NICE... this is what I expect if I ever make it to a meet. Phew! Has to be the ginger ones for me tho', stick to you own kind an' all. :wink: Alternativley Malted Milk, hmmmm.
  5. erin-rae

    1970 Danbury Deluxe

    :wink: to Doug for the nod to this post!! I would be V interested in the cooker/sink bits, any chance of some pics?? Can give you my email if easier... just PM.
  6. erin-rae

    Wanted: 1970 Danbury - Cooker and bits

    Cheers very much Doug, will have a goosey! :) Thanks Steve, I did spot your auction on ebay, a bit far for me to travel and postage would be scary! I notice that this cooker looks different from other 'Danbury' cookers I have searched for. Unfortunately it woudl also have clashed with the...
  7. erin-rae

    LHD v`s RHD

    Having seen what some guys spend (in time and £) on their rides, this is not a consideration! :shock: Good on them tho... :wink:
  8. erin-rae

    LHD v`s RHD

    Zoiks! :shock:
  9. erin-rae

    Engine's out!

    Am sure you will be happy with the result, and so will your camper! Hills will be a piece of cake!! Perhaps we could get a tow??? :lol:
  10. erin-rae

    Wanted: 1970 Danbury - Cooker and bits

    Hey Mike, have seen those, have two, one good, one a bit rough. Unfortunately the comms are kind of poor, cant get any answers to questions, so gave up on them, plus they are a bit far for collection. Good prompt tho. :wink:
  11. erin-rae

    Blue... '70 Danbury

    Hey Doug, wow, you're just the guy! :D The cushions are a bit ripe in places but generally okay, Do need a bash and clean to liven them up a bit. Had wondered about the sink, having looked at others interiors, sinks have all been white, good point. The extra drawer is a bonus, might just...
  12. erin-rae

    Your Early Bay Picture of the Day .....

  13. erin-rae

    Wanted: 1970 Danbury - Cooker and bits

    cheers vac, had a look, a bit far for me but will keep an eye on it! :D
  14. erin-rae

    Blue... '70 Danbury

    ha, ha, good input guys! I like the idea of the rotty, always wanted an Irish Wolfhound tho. Battery cut off sounds like a plan along with the other basic security things, failing that... anyone know where I can get my hands on a machine gun? I like the idea of one of those motion sensored ones...
  15. erin-rae

    damn cameras grrrr!

    I agree with the comment from Harlequin, if you can reach those scary speeds in a bus then you get a round of applause! But, I really don't see what the rush is all about, its nice just pootling along and the majority of the time folks expect nothing more from you! Especially getting up the...
  16. erin-rae

    our vw's and our kids, lets see your photos!

    Wow, dub fans produce some beautiful kids!! We are not there yet but have nieces and nephews, which is kind of enough for now. :lol: There is something very appealing about these bright coloured buses and bugs to children, guess us older folk just haven't grown out of that feeling.
  17. erin-rae

    Danbury Interiors

    Grand bit of advice halfpint, thats the sort of thing I didn't know to ask. Thank you! :wink: Your a star...
  18. erin-rae

    Blue... '70 Danbury

    now you have me a little more worried than I was before... should I be worried that it will be targeted? I have seen a few 'Stolen' notices on this forum, and feel truly gutted for the guys. We have had cars damaged, broken into and torched before, it really hurts. Makes my blood truly boil...
  19. erin-rae

    Blue... '70 Danbury

    So here are some pics of the Blue Monster (I promise I call her it with the deepest love)... Not great pics, but then she isnt looking her best and the weather has been shite so haven't been able to take her anywhere nice, excuses, excuses. Plus with the engine out at the mo she won't be going...
  20. erin-rae

    Wanted: 1970 Danbury - Cooker and bits

    he, he, thanks... I am sure there were other responses to this post too... or am I just confusing my forums?? so many forums, so little brain capacity... :?