Blue... '70 Danbury

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Active member
Oct 9, 2007
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the fishy pond
So here are some pics of the Blue Monster (I promise I call her it with the deepest love)...
Not great pics, but then she isnt looking her best and the weather has been shite so haven't been able to take her anywhere nice, excuses, excuses.
Plus with the engine out at the mo she won't be going too far anytime soon...
Fingers crossed...

Front shot...

Side Shot...

Interior Front... looking a little shabby tho'

Interior Back... minus the seat boxes at the front which are on the back seats at the moment being fixed


Seat Cushions, sink and cooker... (bent to fit, hence seat being repaired as was too big for the hole!) cat no.3 likes to sit on top of the pile of cushions at the moment so she feels she has the upper hand with the other two (so she thinks) :wink:

Hope this satisfies for the moment...
Looks like a nice project you have there. 8)
I like the idea of taking the engine out - makes it a bit more difficult for the thieving buggers to
nick your van - cunning plan :wink:
now you have me a little more worried than I was before... should I be worried that it will be targeted? I have seen a few 'Stolen' notices on this forum, and feel truly gutted for the guys. We have had cars damaged, broken into and torched before, it really hurts. Makes my blood truly boil, if I ever caught anyone doing anything like that I would probably get myself into trouble...
Phew, rant over.... :shock:

I was at Ikea the other week and got back to the van to find a couple with their kids looking at the van, the woman joked that she had to stop her husband trying the doors as he 'knows how to get into them', nice. She didnt mean it nastily, they were into vans themselves. It is a bit worrying tho.
Any good ideas for security?? Apart from dropping out the engine every night?? :lol:
The usual security stuff, fit a steering lock, there crap but it stops the opportunist. Don't leave anything valuable on display.

I have a battery cut off switch fitted in the engine bay, if they break in and try and hot wire my bus it still won't start!
ha, ha, good input guys!
I like the idea of the rotty, always wanted an Irish Wolfhound tho.
Battery cut off sounds like a plan along with the other basic security things, failing that... anyone know where I can get my hands on a machine gun? I like the idea of one of those motion sensored ones fixed to the roof... hmmm
a 12v to 40,000V step up regulator rigged to the door handles should do the trick, or maybe a proximity alarm i know someone who has one but it keeps going off and was more of a nuisance.

a battery cut of is essential ;)
Erin-rae, great to see the pics of your bus! 8)

A few details for you:

The blue cushions are definitely original. The sink box looks to have been modified or replaced. It is the right size, but usually they had the one drawer on the bottom, and the sink bowl was white. I could be wrong, but I've not seen another the same as yours.
Your van is converted on a Kombi base van, as opposed to the slightly higher spec Microbus. Most Early Bay Danburys were converted on the Microbus base vehicle, so yours is slightly rarer. The Microbus buses had higher spec matching trim panels throughout, ie the same material and pattern as the front doors, and heating ducts through to the rear, led along the front doors. There were also grab handles on the bulkheads and above the windows.
The trim panels on yours (sides and bulkheads) are all original. The floor would have been a mottled pattern vinyl (as can be seen in Wannabay's and Halfpint-Fighter's buses).
The seat boxes I can see still have their foot mats attached which is good. These were often removed or came off through time. I think I can just make out in one of your pictures marks on the floor where the seat runners were once attached.

Hope this helps. :D

Hey Doug, wow, you're just the guy! :D
The cushions are a bit ripe in places but generally okay, Do need a bash and clean to liven them up a bit. Had wondered about the sink, having looked at others interiors, sinks have all been white, good point. The extra drawer is a bonus, might just keep it as is, but needs a bloody good clean, been used as ash tray at some point, nice.
What you say about the Kombi is def correct, having looked into the M Plate codes this is what I found out. Original colour would have been Neptune Blue, but isnt that a brighter blue than Dove Blue?? Not sure, but the original colour is still present on some of the interior (which looks like the dusty, softer blue). Birth date approx 5th August 1970.
Yeah, the storage seats both have their drop down foot mats in place, all mechanisms are complete, we took out the seats and runners to re-varnish the wooden floor. Not sure whether to keep the wood or go for a replacement, might still have the original vinyl underneath, haven't checked tbh. :?:
Looking forward to having some time over Christmas (perhaps) to do a bit more work on her. And now OH has got his premises/workshop she has a snug, secure place to sleep, awww. :roll:
Hi Erin-Rae, I'm pleased to be able to help!

Re the paint, I'm not completely sure. I think Dove Blue and Neptune Blue are fairly similar, so I would go with your M plate Neptune Blue. Certainly the paint in the cab would be original, which is what I think you were refering to. It looks as if the bulkheads and front seat bases were repainted to match the outside colour, but of course it is always difficult without seeing it 'in the flesh'. By the way the matt greyish colour paint around the windows in the rest of the interior is original.
The paint inside the engine bay would usually still be original, so I would expect it to match that of the cab area. :D

When I get my next bay I hope to be able to find a big enough garage to fit him (or her) in! :D
I took my sink unit out because I wasn't using the sink
here's a couple of before and after shots
before, with the original sink unit, drawer below

after with a new unit I made with a drawer below and a larger cupboard above for crockery etc

the black 'box' below the unit is a Zig unit I installed - another reason for taking the sink out - water and electrics don't mix!
the white strips on the seat cushion are velcro - the cushion should be the other way up and 'marry' with velcro strips stuck on the seat boards - it's to stop it moving when my nephew is strapped in with a 2 point belt, hidden under the seat in this shot (the belt that is)

and here's a shot of the retro optional extra blaukpunt radio I put in

I have also since got an earlybay tick tock clock for the dashboard but no pics yet
Hi guys, Here we go with my first post after joining a few months ago,I am currently restoring a 1971 Danbury in Chianti red, hope to post some pics soon. As regards to your sink i have seen one in a 72 but not with two draws,do you also have the original cooker?. Also agree with Doug, definately a 1970 panelled interior and go for the Neptune blue. Bring on those Danburys.
Erin-Rae, you may be in luck for a cooker and other bits from a Danbury being scrapped that has just been posted on the 'for sale' section.

See here...

Nice van and it's really good to see that all the Danbury's are starting to crawl out of the woodwork! It wasn't so long ago that I was starting to think I was the only one....

My interior was exactly like yours as mine too was a Kombi before Danbury converted it, so I agree with Danbury Doug completely.

I did however take all my interior out though in favour of a home brewed conversion that I find more user friendly for me:


I do miss the charm of my original interior and sometimes regret removing it...... although I must say that a rock-n-roll bed is far simpler to assemble late at night after a few too many beers!!!

I sold the majority of the original interior but still have the front buddy seat foot plates and runners (although missing a few ball bearings) and the original side panels but these are pretty dog-eared torn and worn.

Keep the pictures coming and welcome! :wink:

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