12V/240V Installation/set up

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Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Coalville, Leicestershire

I'm probably going to ask a question that has been asked/talked about a lot on this forum but I'm still looking for a really simplified dumbed down version (this is about my level when it comes to electrics and wiring stuff!)

I want to install a leisure battery to power all of the lighting, music system, power sockets (no camping trip can take place without hair straighteners being on board according to my good lady) etc, along with a 240v hook up for while at campsites.

Now as I understand it (refer back to earlier statement of electrical retardness), I can install split charging which will top up both my van and leisure battery, and the 240v from the campsite will power everything while stationary. Correct so far?!?

Before I owned a camper, I rented one for a week, and this had what i believe now to be a Zig control unit. This allowed the leisure battery to be topped up from the 240v (i think, correct me if I'm wrong) and also allow me to decided where to draw the power from (van battery or leisure battery) depending on where I am in the world and away from 240v.

So i guess now i hand over to you guys to advise of the best systems to put in place to do all that i think can be done, where to buy and recommendations of how to hook it all up and where best to place it all etc. Sorry if I've been a bit vague but again i will refer you to me very open admission of retardness :?

Oh and my van is a 69 westy by the name of Hank, I've tried posting pictures of a VERY slow resto but i can't figure out how to do it.....
Hi, you're right it has been asked and answered before but don't let that put you off asking as every one has different levels of understanding and skills.

What worries me about your question though is the statement "I'm still looking for a really simplified dumbed down version (this is about my level when it comes to electrics and wiring stuff!)" OK, when it comes to 12v stuff, you aren't going to kill yourself but when you start mixing in 240v as well, if you don't really know what you are doing there is a much greater risk of doing yourself and/or your van some serious damage. Don't let that put you off though, it isn't that hard really, just check and double check you have done things right though.

Basically, what you want is a split charge system which will allow you to charge your leisure battery whilst driving and isolate your starter battery from your camping electrics whilst parked. 2 ways of doing this, the old fashioned (better?) way of a heavy duty relay triggered by your charge light lead or by using a dedicated split charge device that senses current and switches in the leisure battery when it detects a charging current from your alternator.

Then you want a fuse box connected to you leisure battery to provide the power to all your 12v systems.

In addition to that the easiest way of giving you 240v when on a campsite is to use a portable hookup like you would use in a tent. Readily available to buy online etc. The disadvantage of this is you don't have the option to charge your leisure battery off the mains when parked though.

To do that then you are looking at wiring in a charger and a control unit such as a Zig, and a proper integrated mains hookup, properly earthed to your van. This is when it can become more complex and if not done properly, dangerous.

If your skills aren't up to it, then I would suggest going with the portable hookup and get some more help with the complete integrated install.

Hope that helps. If not then ask away.

Sorry if I sound like I am putting your skills down, I don't know what your skill level is and I have seen plenty of dangerous electrical fits in the past.
I'm pleased that Hank asked the question - because, it's the very one that I would have asked. See, Hank - you're are not alone when it comes to electrickery!

To add another question -

My newly acquired bus has a hook up facility that was installed by the previous owner. Whilst I know little about watts and volts it appears to have been well executed and fitted with what looks like a small consumer unit, fuse box and two mains plugs affixed to the cupboard panels. I connected a hook up cable the other day and, hurrah, it all appears to work.

I do not have a leisure battery and split charge fitted and I would like such a system -

Is this straight forward to 'add on' to my current set up?

Julesx said:
I do not have a leisure battery and split charge fitted and I would like such a system -

Is this straight forward to 'add on' to my current set up?


Adding a split charge is very easy and is totally separate to the rest of your setup. Have a look at this:


I drew this up for someone else a while back, for a dynamo setup but the same principle applies for an alternator setup, you just ignore the regulator bit and take the blue wire from the alternator if it is internally regulated.

Also, if it helps, below is my complete setup:

Thank you for the reply madman. I couldn't agree more about keeping myself safe and not trying to attempt things beyond my capability.

I think what i didn't explain very well (or at all reading my original post back) was that i want to attempt to do this in conjunction with a friend who is a sparky (he might not know he is going to help me yet though :msn4: ) I wanted the advise of the early bayers regarding the best equipment to buy, where to buy, good deals and how everyone else has wired things up, photos etc.

And don't worry, i wasn't offended the great thing about this forum is everyone looking out for each other where they can.

Perhaps if i can figure out how to load the pictures i will do some sort of installation story on here.....
Sounds like you're sorted then! Brilliant!

My setup doesn't use a zig unit, just a small consumer unit like you would put in a shed or something, charger on one breaker, sockets, lights and fridge on the other with each circuit individually fused as well.

Basic relay for the split charge system as I had a new fangled split charge system before with the current sense circuitry in it but it failed and both batteries would flatten. Not much use.

No doubt others will be along with their suggestions too, all of them valid no doubt, just pick what suits you best.

Good luck!
Just done this (or had this done for me :lol: )
Like you, not particularly clued up on electrics but did my research, so, as far as I'm aware I have:
I have a Durite split charge relay that senses when my starter battery has been fully charged before switching to charge the leisure battery. When running my new alternator conversion will charge the starter, then leisure battery.
When hooked up, my Zig CF9 unit (£25 off eBay!! Bargain!) will power my 240v electrics inside the bus and charge my leisure battery.
You don't necessarily need a Zig unit but I got it because it was going cheap on eBay.

Now I can't tell you if it all works well in practice as I haven't got my bus back yet, proof will be in the pudding.

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