A few more bits arrived for the bus the other day, including...
And I got a rubber seal from local specialist that worked out £30 cheaper than the quote I had from Automobiletrim.com. If anyone wants the details let me know.
Unfortunately it's too tight at the the sides, even after being greased with olive oil, so I'm goin to cut it down and just have rubber seals on the front and back of the slider.
I also put some new flooring in, it's kinda glittery, almost metal-flake like.
Still needs to be heated to make it ly properly but it's a nice fit, and free too, courtesy of the Norwich Theatre Royal revamp!
I also installed my ICE system, again free...
Which I'm looking forward to using in many sound off competitions.
Finally I cleaned up the back window...
And a gratuitous 'tough' shot!