5 speed t25 boxes are side shifters (instead of a bays nose shifter) so you'd need to run a new conduit front to back and make new linkages etc.
As Pauls says, not really worth the hassle.
Most t25 5 speeds seem to have diesel ratios i've found too as i can't find a replacement for the one in my petrol t25.
Perhaps a little predictably, I'll add my 2 cents...
As an alternative to the T25 box, have you considered the Porsche route? I've fitted a Porsche 901 gearbox (5 speed) to my bus. It has roughly the same 4th ratio as the stock bus 4th gear, giving 5th as a sort of overdrive. As I've only a 1600 it makes a huge difference to how comfortably it cruises without sacrificing the ability to go up motorway hills without dropping to third (as I'd need to with an 091 and a 1600 engine).
The only downside is that first, second and third are taller than stock, making it feel slightly slower off the line (0-20mph) and I fear it will be a little less capable on steep slow speed hills, off road and on snow. To counter this, I'm considering (long term) building a slightly larger CC engine to go with it