Any idea what it's worth?

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I'll update towards the middle of the week, that's when I'll know for sure.
Get it Jabbo if you can , Panel vans rock ! but good ones are rare as i know :roll: good luck mate 8)
I would work on a couple of other angles first.
Does the bloke know what these buses are selling for?
Is he a friend of the family?
Has he put a price on it?
How much do you want it?
If he hasn't put a price on it I would start low and let him negotiate up, don't want to start too low though as he might take the hump.
I would also tell him it has been depreciated considerably by the window "ruining" the big smooth panel. (not a big crime IMO but it is a point of negotiation)
Looks like a nice solid base though so you would be well in front of some of the projects you boys take on.
Gives you all the more time to concentrate on accessories, bling and other essentials eh?
lobus said:
I would work on a couple of other angles first.
Does the bloke know what these buses are selling for?
Is he a friend of the family?
Has he put a price on it?
How much do you want it?
If he hasn't put a price on it I would start low and let him negotiate up, don't want to start too low though as he might take the hump.
I would also tell him it has been depreciated considerably by the window "ruining" the big smooth panel. (not a big crime IMO but it is a point of negotiation)
Looks like a nice solid base though so you would be well in front of some of the projects you boys take on.
Gives you all the more time to concentrate on accessories, bling and other essentials eh?

The bus is actually in another country, it's owned by a bloke that's into VWs, so he knows what it's worth where he lives, but obviously he's not too aware of VW prices in the UK at the mo. Basically I wanted to know what they go for over here so I could work out if the cost of the van plus shipping would be worthwhile.

I don't really want/need it that much, like I say I've got 6 at the mo, but if it worked out economically viable I'd have it. Worst comes to worst even if I don't keep it, it gets another early bay into the country. :lol:

From the pics it looks a hundred times better than our bus when we started that, so should be a fairly easy project. It'd just be 4th in line behind our bus, my ghia and the girlfriend's bug before I could get it sorted.
Where is it coming from Jabbo Europe or USA or OZ ? I think it`s worth a shot

Here is mine mate
8) [/img]
Grazy said:
Where is it coming from Jabbo Europe or USA or OZ ? I think it`s worth a shot


It's a Euro van. They're the best :wink: :lol:

Can't wait to see yours in the flesh dude.
Grazy said:
Cheers Jabbo , GET IT son , If that is OK with the missus :roll:

I wear the trousers in our house I'll have you know.

*checks over shoulder to make sure she's not watching*

jabbo said:
Grazy said:
Cheers Jabbo , GET IT son , If that is OK with the missus :roll:

I wear the trousers in our house I'll have you know.

*checks over shoulder to make sure she's not watching*


How true is that ^^^^ :lol:
Sounds like you should buy it.
Too many panels on the road is nearly enough!
You might even turn it over and make a few sheckles
to assist in your other restoes.
jabbo said:
Grazy said:
Cheers Jabbo , GET IT son , If that is OK with the missus :roll:

I wear the trousers in our house I'll have you know.

*checks over shoulder to make sure she's not watching*



in your dreams darlin'

Ban his pocket money Emerald! :wink:
easy said:
Ban his pocket money Emerald! :wink:

No money = no bus. We wouldn't want that now would we?! I think a pocket money raise would be a better idea! :lol:

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