Anyone interested - keys

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Wittering, Cambs.
I have a friend who will cut repro L and R keys from your key code, so no more dodgy cuts from worn out keys?

is there likely to be any interest?

for two keys its gonna cost you in the region of £25 (for two) still to be finalised and if theres bulk orders then the cost will hopefully come down.

also if thats too much I can get the plain metal and rubber headed keys £15 and £20 respectively again for pairs.

If there is interest then I will submit a larger order to accomodate you guys....

append your name if your interested I will be ordering a few sets for myself shortly

Cheers guys
sounds good,

I got mine cut from code in my local key and security shop for about a tenner I think, Are they normally diffiult to get done?
its getting the old guys who retain the info to cut from code not all the vw dealers have the info either, the repro blanks vary in price but usually near on a tenner in this country or wolfburg west do blanks at $8.....
What is the difference between an L-Type and an R-Type? And how do you find your key-codes? :?
the difference is the key profile L upto 1970 and R to the end of the bay...

the key code is either on the OG key xxLxxx xxRxxx where x is a number, or they are located on the ignition barrel or the activating lever on the handle / tailgate lock.

the most notable difference is the side that the double set of grooves lie when the "ear" is positioned a given direction as in the photo they all lie the same way but on the L the grooves are on the opposite side.
yes i will need a set of keys,will get codes after ive fumigated my new arrival.
can you get locks re-jiged to match if i have different codes?


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