Anyone seen or heard from Justin & Mutley recently?

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Yes I had noticed J & M wasn't posting recently.
He was always welcoming newbies aboard on the 'New to Early Bay thread'. :)
i think shaggy mentioned something about his net, i was trying to get hold of him as well :(

havent seen J&M for a while now
Hope both J&M and Shaggy are alright :)

Think I spoke to Shaggy on MSN recently, but I could be getting confused with someone else.
I pm'd J&M a couple of weeks ago. He's fine and is probably doing the same as me - taking a look and finding little to comment on. Sorry to say it feels more like jk on here at times.
Mike you swore..............

offer your suggestions fella criticism is a good thing and none of us want to go the JK route.....

the difference here is theres no censorship unless absolutely necessary, and come on Mike its no where near as bitchy, no "refer to #### "thread, very little told you so's, the list continues......

with input at this stage the site can still remain a social pleasant atmosphere with no ridicule being apportioned....
Carole broke rank and bought another splitty but still pops up now and again..
as for J+M and shaggy well..... SAS prehaps? :shock:
By jk I was meaning pointless threads - I do appreciate the lack of cencorship here. For example by pointless I'm a big footy fan but don't come on here to discuss my team, nor the merits of others. A Millwall website I look at asks posters to use the term 'n/w' meaning 'non (Mill)wall' at the end of any thread not directly concerning the club. Maybe we should too?

Good to see this has flushed old sk out of the woodwork!
Hey Mike F, ive got to disagree im afraid, have a look now at the front page of threads and see how many are un earlybay related......................ive just counted 1 out of 30. Im not having a go or trying to start anything, im just stating a fact. We try here at early bay to put a allot of time in to it not being like JK or VZI. Im not slagging them off by any means as I go on VZI aswell, but this site is far from like those and a breath of fresh air when site banter is concerned.

Im not having a go atall, so please dont take it this way. 8)

I think this site has become a fountain of knowledge for our earlybays and im sure that people all over the world know when they come on this site they will get answers and not either ignored or told that they are wearing the wrong shoes or their favourite footy team is plop (unless it is of course! :wink: )

Hope this is cool. 8)
sometimes sit here all google eyed and just post stuff for the hell of it to see what other forum users think about stuff...getting to know people and all that....point taken about non earlybay stuff though i`ll try to refrain :oops:
I'm with easy on this one, I think compared to other sites I used to frequent (not VW related) EB keeps well on topic and as more people join I hope it keeps that way. An alternative route which worked on another forum was to have a 'chitchat' forum for items that were in no way related to the forum (which tv to buy, friday jokes etc etc, etc) so then if you don't want to look at that stuff you simply don't go to that part of the forum.

Dead easy, although if only it was that simple with the For Sale section, don't visit it as you've got no money but better have a quick peek anyway just to make sure I'm not missing anything ( like Scott selling his Deluxe for £5K :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: )
Graham L said:
Dead easy, although if only it was that simple with the For Sale section, don't visit it as you've got no money but better have a quick peek anyway just to make sure I'm not missing anything ( like Scott selling his Deluxe for £5K :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: )

So true dood, i keep trying to not look at Scotts bus and believe me its getting harder by the day :wink: Must finish the notch tho before i buy another one...........maybe :wink:
What i like most about EB is that everyday there are fresh posts and people keeping the resto sections going, but i understand your gripe Mike. Running a forum, keeping it uncensored and keeping the peace, keeping it fresh and on topic is a hard job and the responsibility of 'everyone' that uses the board.

I like this place, not to slow not too many posts to get through, always busy and plenty of new people to help :D and we have a great representation at the shows as always, thats most important. If someone, especially a regular has been put off coming back for some reason its always nice to hear why? :(

Is the general consensus to have a chat section not related to earlybays? its easy enough to set one up :D
I've noticed the lack of J&M too, Couldn't you admins/mods check his last log in, see if he has been lurking about?
It is possible to see when he last logged in by clicking on his profile. I forget now, without checking again, but I think he was last on here on about 22nd October.

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