Anyone want free cookies?

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Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry to the mods if this is in the wrong place wasn't sure where to put it!

Some of you have no doubt seen our new business venture, pop top kitchen. We will be serving food at skegvegas and field of dreams in the next couple of weeks. We are trying to build up our facebook following so we are giving a way an awesome box of cookies to one lucky person:


So like us on facebook before the 23rd and if we can reach 150 likes then a winner will be chosen at random from those who like us." onclick=";return false;
Cheers mate come and say hello. I don't do it for a personal account either but it's a bit of a necessity for a business these days.

We'll be offering some free breakfasts so keep an eye out for that. Forum only, no faceache :smile:

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
myvanway 69 said:
They Look ace dude. 8)

They do don't they! We were blown away by them, they were made by the campervan cookie co" onclick=";return false; Hannah also got me one of our van for valentines day, was a thing of beauty and a shame to eat it. Might have a pic somewhere......
We just made the 150! :party0003: So Thursday at 8pm we will take a list of all the likes which means there is still time if you want cookies, one will be selected at random and contacted. Thanks again for the support and hopefully we'll see some of you at SkegVegas. We will be giving away a few breakfasts so keep an eye out for that thread :D
Olskoolchris said:
Done, i'll see you at skegy and field of dreams.
Good luck,

Cheers Chris, you could become our first loyal customer :lol:

We are giving away some breakfasts at skegvegas so if anyone wants a chance to win one then add your name to the list. Details in this thread:" onclick=";return false;

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