best way to clean beam up?

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
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Got a beam that I am stripping and sanding back surface rust, which means most of it :) been doing this by hand with oxide paper but taking an age. Twist knot on my grinder would be too harsh, any other thoughts what to use please? Most of the paint is coming off easily, so probably will epoxy mastic the whole thing if bare metal :)

Take care
What about a flap disc for a grinder? You can get lots of different grades so maybe a fine grade wouldn't be too harsh?
grit blast - I use a 3HP 50 litre compressor with 100 grade aluminium oxide grit through a pot gun - on the lawn using a 1 tonne aggregate grab bag on its side (to catch all the grit) suspended from my metal poled awning frame by bungee cords at each corner. Goggles and dust mask essential! Dust pan and brush to collect all the grit, 600 micron sieve to remove crap and reuse grit again.

Came up with the above after getting fed up with small balsting cabinates that you cant see into because the perspex gets scratched after 10 seconds of use. Bigger professional cabinets are better, yes but cost big dollar!

I will dig out a pic later for you all to laugh at my Heath Robinson design!! :lol:
I settled for a non woven strip disc from screwfix. Best £8 I have ever spent. Just need to do the harder to reach bits now then order epoxy mastic to brush on :),cheers guys

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