Best way to get this bus from Sweden?

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
I've seen this on the samba,

How would I go about getting it home?
That interior is mint - hope if you do buy it, that you leave alone :wink:
gninnam said:
That interior is mint - hope if you do buy it, that you leave alone :wink:

:shock: :shock:

Ermm, I agree - keep it as it is, at the very least it'll be warm inside! :lol:

Drive it back - what an adventure!!!

I'm going to try and fly out there meet at the airport,drive it to the docks (same city) and then get on the ferry with it.

If I do have to do any waiting around in the bus,I will be warm looking at the interior for sure!

I've got some more pictures too,underneath looks ok,front bumper is dented and front panel a bit too.Also there is a crunch in the N/S/R wheel arch.I can imagine it won't look the same as in the pictures,but I hope it's a solid one.
It does definately look good for the money. I look forward to hearing the story.

Plus think of the business opportunites. Ok it'll owe you a bit more money by the time you get it back, but you'll soon make your money back as a pimp with that interior!!! :lol:
Looks like this will go ahead,but I need a good shipping company,can anyone recommend one? I need to go from Gothemburg in Sweden to Felixtow,or a port in Kent ? I've tried some but they don't get back to me.
Kingstown Shipping.

Both our buses were shipped to Chatham by them, from the US, but worth checking to see if they can help you.

Good luck with the bus, keep us updated!

Carole :wink:
Cheers Carale,I'll save that tip for later,they only go UK to USA,Australia,New Zealand and Mediterranian.I found that DFDS go from Gothemburg to Newcastle,so looks like a long drive back for me.I'll keep looking though,cheers.
Latest on this is I've decided not to go ahead with this.
If anyone is interested they may be able to take over if you are quick,it will probably need picking up next week.

I found flights from Stanstead to Gothemburg for £10,then the owner will trailer the bus to Gothemburg himself for about £160 (depending on exchange rate) Then he wants 1500 Euro for the bus,about £1120.I found a ferry company that will go from Gothemburg to Tilbury or Inningham for £250.50 (a 26 hour crossing,includes meal and cabin to sleep)

The bus has apparently good brakes and tyres so should be road worthy.The only problem is the front left (cylinder 4) spark plug thread has been screwed after an engine rebuild.I was going to take a rethreading kit and repair it there.I done a practice one on an old cylinder head and it was easy to cut the new thread being alloy.I have some more pictures if you want me to send some to your email.It sounds like a cheap bus.The owner doesn't want any money in advance,so worst way if it looks like it wn't even get you your money back,you can walk away losing £10 for the flight and the ferry crossing back £250.50.

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