Best window scrapers?

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Bay pride

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Washed the bus yesterday and found that the water that gets into the cab goes through the door via the windows! I thought it was the seals. The scrapers on there aren't og so looking for the best I can get.

Thanks in advance

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The scrapers are designed to let water in. Ensure the drain holes in the doors are clear, that the plastic membrane is in place and wax the inside of the door.
Oh... Balls... Something's a miss, water just pours into the cab and gets under the cab mat. It's not doing it any good!

I'll get the (wet) door cards off later, I'm assuming no membrane then.

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Ok.. Just checked.. No membrane!

So new questions,

Where to get membrane?
And how best to fit?

Also, normal wax oil in a spray can for the inside of the door?

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I did the same as your thinking the other day, took a load of huffing and shouting to get new ones to fit. but looked bang on when done, then later in the day I nipped out in the rain to check our such a good job.. What the f.. .wet through, water pouring in. .then I read on here there ment to leak !.looks like a waste of a few quid and a day with a scratched don't bother. :D
69billy said:
I did the same as your thinking the other day, took a load of huffing and shouting to get new ones to fit. but looked bang on when done, then later in the day I nipped out in the rain to check our such a good job.. What the f.. .wet through, water pouring in. .then I read on here there ment to leak !.looks like a waste of a few quid and a day with a scratched don't bother. :D

I'm glad I didn't bother changing them, it looks like a pain in the arse job!

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Bless that little old German!

I'm getting the impression that decent polythene and double sided tape is the method for the membrane. Anyone have experience of this?

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You can get pre cut one on e-bay if you can be bothered to make them I used spray glue to attach them but a strip of tape would work in sure
I bought a big pack of clear damp proof membrane from B&Q and used the door cards as templates, and as said used double sided tape. I have loads of membrane left if you want some.
mister said:
I bought a big pack of clear damp proof membrane from B&Q and used the door cards as templates, and as said used double sided tape. I have loads of membrane left if you want some.

Thanks mate!

I think the posting would cost more that if I popped down my local B&Q and bought some.

Appreciate the thought though!


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Am I the only one too lazy for templates? :oops:
Glue around door, stick sheet of plastic on, whip round with a scalpel to tidy it up :D

And make sure the bottom of the door is lovely and clean and waxed, with clear drainholes first!


Cleaned out, waxed, membrane, fix passenger door handle, put back together.

I bet now I've done it, it doesn't rain for a year!


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Pleased i saw this, I've had the same leak and was planning on changing the scrapers.

So I take it the water just runs out of the door inner through some holes in the bottom of the door then??
That's the idea. As long as the hole is clear

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Here's mine done recently, done the same as you Bay pride and haven't cut a hole for the handle yet! I used also used DPC tape, but it's gone a bit melty and doesn't stick he best. Think I'll add some double sided Gorilla tape just in case. Use your door card as a template!

I put double sided tape where I wanted it to stick, Cut a bit of plastic bigger than the door card, peeled the double sided bit by bit, making sure the plastic was tight, then ran a blade round the outside.

Came out perfect!

May have to re do drivers side though, it didn't seem to stick as well. I think I got a bit of waxoyl on it.

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