What oil?

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Jan 24, 2010
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East Brizzal
That may be a tad misleading. It’s probably more ‘How To Oil’ . Mrs Ozziedog has buggered off with various other members of her coven to wreak havoc and practice casting spells on the poor unsuspecting Spanish community. If you happen to live in that area and maybe feeling a little untoward this could possibly be the reasons behind it. So I’ll be ‘Batching’ for a few days which is dead handy as I can now take my ear plugs out for a bit. Batching from memory is an Australianism that infers a chap has been left to his own devices as the Mrs has shot off somewhere and so he’ll be leading a bachelor existence, hence Batching. Whereas, when it’s the other way round and the fella has shot through you’ll end up with a load of ,,,,, something else starting with B.
So, I’m batching, And I’ve got all my regular chores pretty much sorted and I did some washing the other day but there was too much for one load, not a problem, I’ll do one lot and see if I can find something else to go in with it. So my washing is sorted but the next day it’s gonna rain on and off so I’ve left half a load by the machine. Woke up this morning and the sun is streaming through the window, brilliant I’ll sort that washing out . Then I hit on the bright idea of doing the bedding to top up the load. Got it all in the machine and put the washing syrup in the the little green ball and bugger me, there ain’t enough. So I get a new one out to finish it off. I swill the old bottle out a bit with water and tip that in the machine too, just because I’m tight and waste not want not etc etc. While I’m pouring this out in to the washing machine, I’m looking at how nicely it pours and it don’t drip. Someone somewhere has gone to a lot of head scratching and effort to design the top on this bottle, and with a tiny flick of the wrist, off comes the top. It starts me thinking as to what I could use this bottle for and it looks like it could be perfect for topping up my oil in the van. It holds almost one and half litres and looks like it would fit nicely upright under the space at the rock and roll bed cupboard. So I’ve given it a good swill out and I’m leaving it to soak for a bit then I’ll wash it out with hot ish water and I’ll give it a try.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,my old gearbox bottles are fading rapidly.
That may be a tad misleading. It’s probably more ‘How To Oil’ . Mrs Ozziedog has buggered off with various other members of her coven to wreak havoc and practice casting spells on the poor unsuspecting Spanish community. If you happen to live in that area and maybe feeling a little untoward this could possibly be the reasons behind it. So I’ll be ‘Batching’ for a few days which is dead handy as I can now take my ear plugs out for a bit. Batching from memory is an Australianism that infers a chap has been left to his own devices as the Mrs has shot off somewhere and so he’ll be leading a bachelor existence, hence Batching. Whereas, when it’s the other way round and the fella has shot through you’ll end up with a load of ,,,,, something else starting with B.
So, I’m batching, And I’ve got all my regular chores pretty much sorted and I did some washing the other day but there was too much for one load, not a problem, I’ll do one lot and see if I can find something else to go in with it. So my washing is sorted but the next day it’s gonna rain on and off so I’ve left half a load by the machine. Woke up this morning and the sun is streaming through the window, brilliant I’ll sort that washing out . Then I hit on the bright idea of doing the bedding to top up the load. Got it all in the machine and put the washing syrup in the the little green ball and bugger me, there ain’t enough. So I get a new one out to finish it off. I swill the old bottle out a bit with water and tip that in the machine too, just because I’m tight and waste not want not etc etc. While I’m pouring this out in to the washing machine, I’m looking at how nicely it pours and it don’t drip. Someone somewhere has gone to a lot of head scratching and effort to design the top on this bottle, and with a tiny flick of the wrist, off comes the top. It starts me thinking as to what I could use this bottle for and it looks like it could be perfect for topping up my oil in the van. It holds almost one and half litres and looks like it would fit nicely upright under the space at the rock and roll bed cupboard. So I’ve given it a good swill out and I’m leaving it to soak for a bit then I’ll wash it out with hot ish water and I’ll give it a try.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,my old gearbox bottles are fading rapidly.
Intrigued to know if this is the same bottle top type that I posted a little while back regarding keeping oil in the bus for top-ups?!

I too am a bit sad with things like this 😬
Bugger, it’s a bit of a disaster disappointment dire and any other crap word you can think of, it don’t have to start with D. I though this was gonna be the bees knees but I’ve just mopped up oil from all over my engine. It would hsve been reasonable but the first bit of a glug and it went all over the place. Maybe could get the hang of it if you really had to but it ain’t as good as my 1litre gearbox oil bottles with the long tube hanging out of them. I must have missed that post, did you get on alright with it then ?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,worth a try though. :)
Bugger, it’s a bit of a disaster disappointment dire and any other crap word you can think of, it don’t have to start with D. I though this was gonna be the bees knees but I’ve just mopped up oil from all over my engine. It would hsve been reasonable but the first bit of a glug and it went all over the place. Maybe could get the hang of it if you really had to but it ain’t as good as my 1litre gearbox oil bottles with the long tube hanging out of them. I must have missed that post, did you get on alright with it then ?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,worth a try though. :)
Took a bit of searching…

Now I remember it, I actually mentioned old age on there I think. Along with that comes failings in memory too. I dint think mine worked very well and is slightly different to yours. It does look like it would really work well but it don’t.

I’m sure that the one above would work if you were patient enough but it’s not like that in the real world when im trying to top up and get out.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,maybe I should just slow down :)
The only way I've managed to make it work is to use one of those plastic jugs with the flexible spouts, you mentioned earlier. Anything else seems to make the oil come out before I've got there. In fact same with all vehicles, if you have a new 5l of oil, then trying to pour it in the right place usually ends up with it going all offer the engine. I've got a funnel somewhere which helps.
I use the jug with the flexible neck and screw cap on the top. Fill up one litter at a time. It’s difficult to use a funnel as there isn’t much room left above the funnel to get the filler bottle etc.
The only way I've managed to make it work is to use one of those plastic jugs with the flexible spouts, you mentioned earlier. Anything else seems to make the oil come out before I've got there. In fact same with all vehicles, if you have a new 5l of oil, then trying to pour it in the right place usually ends up with it going all offer the engine. I've got a funnel somewhere which helps.
Turn the 5 l oil can round with the air gap at the spout. No glug then!
I've always used an old sports drink bottle to refill oil 500ml at a time. The oil doesn't come out the end when you turn the bottle over without squeezing it and there's plenty of clearance between the bottle and the engine bay ceiling.
I have two sizes of special moulded-plastic oil-filler jugs with long spouts. When not in use, I put old bread-loaf bags over the top to exclude dust, which would contaminate the residue of oil left in the jugs.