We're planning to meet up this Sunday at about 2:30ish in the Southampton Airport parkway train station car park http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Southampton+Airport+Parkway+Rail+Station,+******+Kingdom&sll=50.949451,-1.364622&sspn=0.025847,0.052872&ie=UTF8&cd=2&geocode=0,50.950810,-1.363100&ll=50.951074,-1.363099&spn=0.006462,0.013218&z=16&iwloc=addr for a short cruise to the White Swan at Mansbridge http://www.pub-explorer.com/hampshire/pub/whiteswanwestend.htm
All are welcome even if you're dubless at the mo just come along, it would be good to put names to faces or something.
There's a thread here about it http://www.volkszone.co.uk/VZi/showthread.php?t=467205 to see some more peeps coming along.