Hey all! I'm moving to Cardiff soon, and was wondering if there are any good local mechanics to help with servicing and anything else that might be needed?
Morning :mrgreen: There may be, but a few of the guys over there pop over to Bristol and use Nick at CJ Motors. If you need to, I’ll get you his number and you can ring him if you like., as and when you need to. :mrgreen:
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, where are you now ? :mrgreen:
Cool, thanks for the recommendations... I'll probably give Volksengineering a go for regular servicing, and if anything more substantial comes up, make the trip to CJ in Bristol.
I was wondering if the Rothfink guys in Caerphilly did any mechanics, but can't see anything on their site.
You could try leaving a message for isit dave on this forum.
He has a good friend in Newport that does all his vehicles. Nice chap and very knowledgeable.