So, after waiting for ages for the engine to be fitted, we finally had it running, and my "expert" tells me it sounds good. Then I had the brake servo repaired twice, a new master cylinder and then a complete replacement servo and mc from another of my buses and it still was not right! Eventually took it to another mechanic, Van Den Brinks, ho have a scrap yard full of old combis,and he told me there were parts missing from the back brake adjusters. No wonder they could not bleed it.
Now here is the rub. it was finished and ready to roll, slightly over budget, and only about 6 month late, but was looking great, at least in my opinion
When what should turn up but this
a 1972 one family owned crossover bay westfalia, all original interior, with only some slight surface rust, and a type 4 2 litre fitted. Dilemma!! So I advertised the niagara blue camper, and it was immediately bought by a young couple from Argentina, who wanted to travel from Johannesburg to Mozambique, then to Mombasa in Kenya, then by sea to Mumbai and travel round India. Full marks for bravery nil point for common sense, and they wanted to eave within the week. I explained that it had not run under its own power for over 20 years and that it needed a good shake down run of at least a thousand km to show any problems, but they reckoned they had to leave within the week. nyway, to cut a long story short, a week later they came to there senses, (in fact they found out the enormous paperwork needed for a trip like that) and I refunded them their money. But karma is good, and a few days later sold it for more to a local guy who knows what he is letting himself into! I will be fitting the pop top for him next week, and will put that on the thread so you can see how that went