Daisy - My 1972 Crossover Dormobile

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Feb 19, 2007
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New owner, new to VW scene (I did have a T25 a few years back). Anyhow...here is my new pride and joy. Picked her up on 17th Feb and took her to DubFreeze in Stafford the next day. A complete mechanical novice, so I may live to regret this. :?

Love the site and I hope to be regular contributor soon.

let me know what you think!

Wow!! Good to see a RHD Bay in good shape

PS To the others: stop taking all our American Bays from America! - signed, a Yank
Hello mate and welcome!

Great looking van, if you have any questions just ask all the people on here, most things can be sorted in a simple post 8)

--To the American dude, sorry about buying all your vw bits, but its only for a while until they go rusty and then we ship em back :D
That's a lovely van Dude! Looks very straight - remember, these are simple mechanically, and as such are the perfect vehicle to learn on! Get yourself a decent toolkit and manual - you won't regret it, the sense of satisfaction when you've fixed it yourself feels great!!!
Nice van, Ive got a 72 crossover dormobile as well.
has it been restored or is it in original condition?
my advice would be removing the spare wheel off the front, I dont think I have seen a van yet that hasnt suffered some damage from it being there.
Welcome :D

Well my favourite - a xover dormy - can't beat them can you 8)
( me, biased. Never :shock: )

Any interior shots to keep me inspired while I try and finish mine
for the spring of this year (yea, right) :?:
Thanks for your welcoming and kind comment! I have to say I do think she's pretty cool. Retro! 8)

I think she's original. From history me and the seller have gleaned the only thing thats been done is reupholstering. Not bad eh?

Ill post a piccy or two of interior and cab.

Only concerns I have at the moment is a sticky handbrake....rear drum got rather hot at weekend...and a concerning smell of petrol on offside rear. Smell of petrol inside too...not overpowering, but....well....there. I assume this is to be expected from such an old dear? There's no obvious floor spots on the ground or fuel guage evidence of major leaks. Fuel line check underneath this weekend??

As requested..
.pic of interior...note flower power curtains and propex heater with thermostat. Needed at the moment Id say, given the advice Ive been given to give up on heat exchangers ever giving me any heat. Is this correct advice?

Anyhow - hope this inspires you for the spring.
Very sweet and thanks for the interior piccy.

Smell of petrol could be from perished fuel pipes - tend to not
get drips as it evaporates so enought to leave an odour but nothing
more :shock:
nice bus mate love the colour looks brand new that paint . welcome dude 8)
have a feel around the carb/carbs for any leaking petrol as a gasket may be leaking. i had this problem with mine.
what engine is it, 1600 or 1700 type 4 with twin carbs ?
Ive got heat exchangers on mine and they work an absolute treat. Floor in the plan is, you need to be moving to get them to work and it takes about 10 mins to get them up to temp. :shock:

Stick with the propex as you will enjoy the heat 8)

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