Danbury info???

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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
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hi, i have a 1972 K reg danbury poptop. just wondered if any one knows of any danbury websites where you can find info into the conversions danbury done etc. all i seem to find is info on the new danburys!!!!

that was kinda the idea behind the wiki.......

...Danbury itself went bust...the new ones are 'the' name only as it were used by a Beetle importer

that was kinda the idea behind the wiki.......

...Danbury itself went bust...the new ones are 'the' name only as it were used by a Beetle importer

been meaning to add my info on the wikki but been busy lately!!!!! will update when i have a spare few mins. with all the tech today, there must be some websites out there??? or maybe not!!!!!!

Hello Jason.

Nope, I think you'll find there is more 'old' Danbury stuff here on Early Bay and the VWDanbury Camper website than anywhere else on the net. :D

I shall give the 'Danbury Rally' thread a 'bump' soon. I really would like a proper Danbury gathering next year (probably at a show such as the Volksworld Show), which as far as I know could be a first. I plan to contact some show organizers soon, to see what we could do. :D

hello all danbury buffs

the wife decided that she'd put the original red cushion covers thro' the washing m/c and some of them have partially disintegrated - what did she expect spinning 37 yr old cloth at 000s of rpm???

so the ? now is, is there anywhere which sells any cloth vaguely similar?

or is it a case of having to cannabalise what remains and mend as best one can?

damage is mainly confined to the exposed corners, so am thinking of grafting material from the underside as this won't show when cushions are in situ

We'll have to keep 'stoking' the thread from time to time Jason, to keep the enthusiasm going! :D

Gerry, if was married and the wife did that to my van's covers, I think divorce would be on the cards! :evil:
I've seen materials that would be similar, but I've never seen anything that I could call a close match, so I think if I was you I'd try and mend as best you can.

Incidently when my van is parked up for any length of time in very sunny weather, such as now, I put towels along the top edges of the cushions, in an attempt to slow down u.v damage/fading. Mine are just 'hanging on in there', with only one small tear on the underside of one cushion. :D
perhaps we could have a mini meet up of danburys as there seems to be a few in the hampshire area????? although any one welcome, the more the better!!!!!!

tried contacting the current owners of the name..... :shock:

...."Dear Mike,

thank you for your enquiry. We are unable to provide records of original Danbury conversions.
Thank you also for your feedback regarding our website. I shall look into and remedy the


Daniel Copp

Danbury Motorcaravans
Telephone 01454 310000
Fax 01454 310310

...the comment on the web-site was incorrect speeling of Northern :lol:
fair play mjknight71 for contacting danbury!!!! least they replied. shame there are no records of conversions etc, would have been some great reading about the history of danbury!!!!

mustard72 said:
perhaps we could have a mini meet up of danburys as there seems to be a few in the hampshire area????? although any one welcome, the more the better!!!!!!


Funnily enough I was thinking of just that too, Jason. Yep, let's start making plans for a Danbury mini meet! 8)

o.k mini meet up of the danbury kind!!!!(and anyone else who wishes to meet regardless of type of bus). well i live fareham/gosport borders, so am quite central. where is everyone else based???

mustard72 said:
fair play mjknight71 for contacting danbury!!!! least they replied. shame there are no records of conversions etc, would have been some great reading about the history of danbury!!!!


Yep, friendly people, but no knowledge at all of the 'original' Danbury conversions. I chatted with them at the Volksworld Show last year, and later in the year I visited the factory during an open day they were holding.

In time, now that Danburys are getting a bit more publicity, I expect more info will surface, perhaps a former employee of the original factory will appear and give us some stories etc.

When I've managed to get a spare part for my scanner I'll scan some slides of our then brand new Danbury and will pop them up on a thread here on EB and also on Mike's Danbury site. :D

RE locations of Danbury peeps, I'm in the Hythe/Waterside area. :D

there does not seem to many danburys around, not as many as devons etc anway. therefore are danburys scarce/rare or are they just not held in the same esteem as the other conversions????

There are quite a lot out there, but no, not in the same numbers as Devons or Westfalias for example.
I think quite a few have lost their original identities, because of the fact that the conversions were so adaptable, and so removable seats, sinks, cookers were removed and lost or broken, when being used as delivery vans for example, and then home made interiors got fitted etc.
I've identified a few Danburys since being on the forums, for owners who didn't know their vans were originally a Danbury. :)
my van has the little danbury sign on the back above the engine lid. i do not think my inside is original though. i have a sink, cooker and fridge down one side and a 3/4 rock and roll bed. not bad though!!!

Yes, yours sounds as if it has been updated indeed! I guess rock and roll beds are a fair bit quicker to set up than slotting all the different boards together.... but as little kiddies, for us the boards and all the cushions made fabulous dens on long boring trips! :lol:
I'm in Weymouth Dorset......

...............my little ID plate is trashed so if you see one that is available, please let me know :mrgreen: or I could bring a drill to the mini meet :wink:

................I did buy another what is possibly a later one but will probablly stick it on the interior as it is plastic..........

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