Do all Bays have oil leaks?

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Dont forget that some engines are "designed" to drip oil - the oil breather attaches to the air filter & there is also a pipe that goes down through the tinware & has a rubber end on it to allow oil to drip out ;)
Not all bays have oil leaks,but I would have thought lots of them do.Depends how much it bothers you,obviously a major leak would need attention though.I saw a leak on mine the other day,luckily it's just a rocker cover gasket which is easily corrected.

I think Tofufi hit the nail on the head about the bodywork being the gauge to buying an earlybay as that will cost the most to put right.
Loxy said:
Dont forget that some engines are "designed" to drip oil - the oil breather attaches to the air filter & there is also a pipe that goes down through the tinware & has a rubber end on it to allow oil to drip out ;)

Is there? Didn't know that! Got a piccy?

aogrady said:
Loxy said:
Dont forget that some engines are "designed" to drip oil - the oil breather attaches to the air filter & there is also a pipe that goes down through the tinware & has a rubber end on it to allow oil to drip out ;)

Is there? Didn't know that! Got a piccy?


It's just an old skool crankcase breather system,any vapour will be sucked through the airfilter though a rubber pipe,any liquids will drip out through the built in metal pipe and onto the floor (not allowed on modern cars).I don't think you'll get much dripping on an engine in good condition though.Maybe if the rings/pistons are worn you'll get some dripping.
aogrady said:
Loxy said:
Dont forget that some engines are "designed" to drip oil - the oil breather attaches to the air filter & there is also a pipe that goes down through the tinware & has a rubber end on it to allow oil to drip out ;)

Is there? Didn't know that! Got a piccy?


It's just an old skool crankcase breather system,any vapour will be sucked through the airfilter though a rubber pipe,any liquids will drip out through the built in metal pipe and onto the floor (not allowed on modern cars).I don't think you'll get much dripping on an engine in good condition though.Maybe if the rings/pistons are worn you'll get some dripping.


Oh right! I have a different oil filler stand pipe thing, probably a bug one as the engine is bug, though i haven't got a pipe running to the air filter as i have a crap pancake thing till i get the og one fitted i have (must have had twin carbs in the usa as the air cleaner pedestal has been chopped :roll: )

Though must admit, it doesn't breathe at all from the pipe, so the engines good i reckon. Will see if i can cobble up some kind of fitting so i can mount the og one at the weekend - weather permitting....need to fiddle with the timing too.........


No not all air cooleds leak. My bug doesn't it does "sweat" but never drips and i never have to top it up. It's my daily driver aswell, approx 50 mixed speed miles per day. My bay on the other hand does leak from the breather/overflow pipe only.
Leak or weep? To my mind, a leak is serious and needs sorting asap, a weep is something to keep an eye on and regularly check the level. My engine weeps from the oil pressure switch, two pushrod tubes (both ends on each), and a little from the flywheel oil seal. The latter needs sorting sooner rather than later for obvious reasons. But look under the bonnet of any modern vehicle that has done any mileage, there will be weeps in various places on these too. It is worth bearing in mind that a lot of seals/gaskets etc sold for VW's really are of very poor quality and when fitted to old, worn components are destined to fail very quickly. I have bought 'German Quality' components only to realise that the Germans are quite capable of producing products nearly equal the Chinese in the 'crap' stakes. I don't know for sure but would suspect the best cure for leaks is new components that come in a wrapper marked 'VAG Original Equipment'. And anyway, if it loses a bit of oil, then it ensures that you regulary check the level and that has to be a good thing!
Thanks for your replies guys, my priorities are now changed for looking at bays

1. Gotta be an early bay
2. Some form of poptop (i'm 6'3" and like to standup)
3. good bodywork (minimal rust to sort)
4. engine with oil weep ok (but not serious leak like some i have seen)
5. some form of camping interior but not esential as i can install this myself.

Now all i need to do is find a van that fits the above and doesn't need alottery win to purchase :roll:
Bad oil leaks....if thats all thats putting you off use it as a bargaining point get the price down and have a good lump installed

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