Does anyone remember ?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2020
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Hey folks . I got thinking does anyone remember about 10 or so years ago on fb too i think, there was a network of VW folks up and down the Uk that helped if someone broke down. I dont know how it worked but if you broke down somewhere in the UK whoever was near by could be contacted and they would try to help. I have no idea if its still going but i can remember it was a really good thing at the time and folks did actually help out and get sorted. Im just thinking would it be a good thing to have today or are folks just complacent RAC or AA.. 🤔🙂🤙
I’m half remember ing something like that. It was also a map for-want of a better word of where you might also find professional help like garages near to towns etc. Got a sneaky feeling it might have been on here or maybe VZI,,, haven’t been there in a while.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,I’ll have a search about. :cool:
In my experience if you park with hazards on in a VW the next VW to pass is likely to stop. Had it happen just the other week. I even had someone check when I stopped on the Breeze once to watch cars and vans go past.

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