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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Hopefully a simple one....
What's the best method for repairing chips on a Dormobile enamel stove please?
I tried hammerite but it discolours when the stove is used.
it should be a proper enamel reapir, like you would do to your bath. All kinds of DIY kits available or a repairer will come to you and do it. I had a bath done profesionally a while back was £130 for 4 big chips!
Thanks for the info, but the cost seems inhibitive!

Has anyone tried a tin of Humbrol enamel paint from a model shop?
I was wondering if that could be a cheaper option?
do you have an old-school hardware/diy shop near you ? if so they would most likely have stove enamel repair kit, it'll be like a small nailvarnish pot. might have to be done in layers to build up the thickness required.

From ebay.....I have not used this particular product...
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ENAMEL-REPAIR-KIT-FIX-TOUCH-UP-BATH-COOKER-SINK-FRIDGE-/171798276163?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item27fff9a843" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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