Drive your bay safely!!!!!!!!!!

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You can drive your bay bay as safe as you like....

It only takes someone else not looking...!

I'm suprised at the outcome of that - thought the bay may have come off worse!?
Like most, I sometimes worry about the safety of driving older vehicles -
but it was the driver of the modern that was fatally injured.
That surprised me.

Yes I too wondered what the oucome would have been if the van had been lowered (or rusty/botch repaired)
yeah wass really heart wrenching that. makes you think. the guy was so positive I really hope finds a way to get back out on his bikes too.

I own bikes and a camper so it really hit home with me how careful and defensive you have to drive at all time.
these small cars are not safe, there's a picture of a vw fox colliding with a truck from brazil on the vw network and the fox driver ends up in 2 parts. I won't post pictures on here too gruesome, lets just say he had a good backbone.................

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