Early Bay Mac Slap

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Jul 17, 2010
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Waht on earth is a "Mac Slap"?

I had no clue either until a couple of weeks ago when I saw a colleagues computer with a Splitty image on the back.

I asked them if they could do an Early Bay & below is the result,

So I guess its a sticker for the back of a Macbook, it looks remarkably similar to the forum logo though

Childish ? - probably, but I quite like it


Mac is soooo 2009.... :lol:

I thought only posh splitty owners would wield such an overpriced & trendy "white is the new black" monstrosity :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
T2-Nate said:
Mac is soooo 2009.... :lol:

I thought only posh splitty owners would wield such an overpriced & trendy "white is the new black" monstrosity :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Can of worms here. :mrgreen:
My MacBook is black. :roll: it is 2 years old, it has never crashed and still works for 5 hours without a charge. At £800 it is the best laptop I have ever owned.
I have also owned 2 split screens including a 52 but early bays win in my eyes (obviously).
faux said:
T2-Nate said:
Mac is soooo 2009.... :lol:

I thought only posh splitty owners would wield such an overpriced & trendy "white is the new black" monstrosity :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Can of worms here. :mrgreen:
My MacBook is black. :roll: it is 2 years old, it has never crashed and still works for 5 hours without a charge. At £800 it is the best laptop I have ever owned.
I have also owned 2 split screens including a 52 but early bays win in my eyes (obviously).

My old iBook is 5 years old, has been dropped more times than i remember, the lid is wonky are doesn't shut correctly cos it's been dropped, it's had drink spilt on it, and still works a treat - ok, the battery is half dead, and the power plug is dodgy, but i would buy another one......
Can of worms indeed........

Sorry lads it's only a joke - Have nothing against Mac owners but can't deny having a thing or two against Mr. Jobs' attitude and boy do I hate iTunes :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
T2-Nate said:
Sorry lads it's only a joke - Have nothing against Mac owners but can't deny having a thing or two against Mr. Jobs' attitude and boy do I hate iTunes :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I'm with you there, :wanker: i hate iTunes, when it cocks up the songs on the iPod - but enough of that, tell us about the high riding bus with the off road tyres in your sig picture........best start another thread, we're a little off topic now.... :msn4:


aogrady said:
T2-Nate said:
Sorry lads it's only a joke - Have nothing against Mac owners but can't deny having a thing or two against Mr. Jobs' attitude and boy do I hate iTunes :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I'm with you there, :wanker: i hate iTunes, when it cocks up the songs on the iPod - but enough of that, tell us about the high riding bus with the off road tyres in your sig picture........best start another thread, we're a little off topic now.... :msn4:



Well, it doesn't like quite like that yet but it's gonna...
All I can do right now is think & plan it out, the wife has me on a leash as I spent the last 3 years restoring the bay and totally neglecting her... :?
Still has no engine tho and in grey primer for now but starting to look right.
Sooooo.... I have to play the nice good husband now and fix the house before I can sneak back into my garage and start working on it again.
Oh well, I needed a bit of rest anyways...
Happy wife happy Life :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I guess I just gave you the reason for my Mac rant haha frustration frustration

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