Early bay or Late bay

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For me, either late or early are OK, but, the early (or x-over) do look nicer.

End of 8)
When we set out to buy our current bus we were after an early bay , tin top , devon .

We GOT a late , pop top danbury :shock: :shock: :shock:

But with one previous keeper and a bundle of paperwork and some nice bits n bobs of originality , for a not un-reasonable £3.5k , we just had to have it :D
When i started looking for a camper (and my first car :mrgreen: ) i told myself if i could'nt get an earlybay i would'nt get a camper at all. And i did'nt know that there was such a huge following and fan base for low lighters, i always thought it was just the splits vs bays. And just after i got mine thats when they started shooting up in price which made me appreciate how sought after they are.

All i can say is:

Araon said:
I wouldnt say that the XO came with the short lived 1700

That's why I want the low mileage 'Bertie Bus' Danbury in the 'for sale' section so much. I love the Type 4 engines, having started my veedub days with one, and the thought of one that's likely to need no expensive or dificult to find parts for years to come appeals! :D
I'll blame the wife, we have ended up with a latebay :oops: , thanks for all the advice , i'll just go back to lurking :msn4:

scooper said:
I'll blame the wife, we have ended up with a latebay :oops: , thanks for all the advice , i'll just go back to lurking :msn4:


They are all lovely to their owners (bit like kids) lol but, not like kids, everyone wants one ;)
Late bays are UGLY, there i said it!!

Bad bumpers, awful high indicators, squared rear vents and MASSIVE rear lights!

Plus, tiny VW badge!

What were they thinking?!? :shock:
JayBone said:
Late bays are UGLY, there i said it!!

Bad bumpers, awful high indicators, squared rear vents and MASSIVE rear lights!

Plus, tiny VW badge!

What were they thinking?!? :shock:

:shock: some peoples kids are ugly but you don't tell them :?

Your asking about Late bays on an Earlybay forum, come on.....
Thought VW stopped making bays after '72 (just to please the XO brigade) and went straight to T25's :lol: :lol:
Been looking for 9 month's now, pretty quickly dropped Split's as they are truly Iconic but truly well over-priced nowadays.
Been concentrating on Earlbay's cos they are Tax exempt/Historic Insurance
and do look the business (no doubt about that) but are they now going the same way as Split's ie: over-priced by virtue of supply/demand?. A lot of people are trying to cash in with blown-over rust bucket's out there :evil: .

Tonight as an experiment I have, for the first time, gone looking at Latebay
advert's and already I have a surplus of choice, some of which look quite reasonably priced (waiting more photo's..........) - some are at last within an hour or so drive too , so I am going to take a look now-why not.
There is a Latebay Site/Forum too, but not as active as this great place yet...............rambling's over -JIM.
In all honesty mate go with whatever suits your needs. If you can get a higher spec late bay then why not. There not my cup of tea by virtue of the bay being our 3rd car / holiday bus and the fact that its tax free keeps the cost down but the later bays are near enough the same (a bit like a face lift model, maybe a light lift model :lol: ) but as you've noticed they tend to be a bit cheaper (not all that much cheaper though).
Supply and demand will always be the case with any old car prices though.
Have you had a look at Scott Wilson or MEB on here, they have some good imports for a reasonable price and are very helpful.
Ever since we got our XO and joined this forum ive been hooked on earlies and I love the 1700 t4 in ours, the torque and power I get from it makes this a very usable bus as do the servo assisted discs so Im happy to have the best of both worlds.
If I was on the market for another bus however I would love a 68 tintop or panel, I would also love a nice doka, that though I would happily drive in latebay form. Those in my opinion look right in any form :D
Thank's Froggy (and yes they have been helpful),

My main point was that California/South Africa/Australia have
now rumbled the demand and shipping in tired stuff for a make-over
is'nt now the cheap start point it was.............
Anyway I've narrowed my Latebay experiment from 7 to 2 option's and
I am going to look see in the flesh this weeked, both Tin-Top's ,one is
2 litre the other a DeLuxe.............within my price range :shock:
Cheers -JIM.
i'd say go for the best you can afford early prototype style or the finished product-the late bay ;)
seriously though don't just go for what people tell you is the best etc go for what you want.

Enjoyed this thread and have pretty much decided on a Latebay for really boring / pragmatic reason's -
Buying 30 + year olds is a risk,
I'm on a self-imposed 'toy' budget,
Think I've found a reasonably priced good 'un - which leaves me with a little slack to make-over the inside and an ongoing 'for the unexpected' fund.
When I say internal make-over I mean getting it back to Stock type .

Thursday viewing -fingers crossed..JIM (better "Late" than never.... :D ).