So, I am really hoping that you lot out there are as bad as I am and look at the subjects that jump to the top.
This is one trip that Pip and I really enjoy and are hoping that if we start early, we may be able to get a jump
and persuade everyone to book early enough so we have sufficient people going to make it worthwhile.
Numbers have been down and dwindling which means our SPECTACULAR hosts are finding it increasingly difficult
to make the figures stack up. I think this is one show that is worth the four hour trip.
Comparatively speaking it is fairly cheap and I for one will quite happily pay a couple of quid more if it helps.
I last paid something like £26.00 I think , so £28.00 to £30.00 is not bad for a weekend away.
I really hope this helps with booking ahead and it happens. And we get to spend it with you lot.

Now of course I hope that Graham and Jenny are amenable and if there is enough interest early enough
they will consider doing it again . PLEASE :lol: :lol: :lol: