Eberspacher Petrol Heater

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Reaction score
East Sussex, England
Hi - my first post -
I've got a BN4 heater in the rear of my '70 Crew Cab. I'm thinking of trying to fire it up, WITHOUT toasting my beloved truck.

Anyone got any previous on this ?? It looks like it just needs a fuse and the petrol pipe connected.
Thoughts, anyone ?
Get Araon to order you an auto fire extinguisher :wink:
Just sold my BN4, never ran it but read a bit about them, they have a number of safety features that should stop them from overheating etc, however the main danger I would think is from fuel leakage due to perished seals hose etc.
Theres a guy on volkszone deejay451 I think who refurbs them if you want to be on the safe side.
if calibrated correctly using the guides on the samba i think they should be relitivly safe. i just bought one offa ebay! just about to get it ready for firing up!
they should be fine just got to remember its an internal combustion chamber, so all the risks associated with your motor hold equally, just need to make sure all your seals and hoses are fine no fuel leaks, exhaust is routed correctly and air in/out are suitably located blah de blah....

I have the details somewhere of a guy who refurbs/sells all the bits to refurb them, i'll have a rummage to see if I can find it....
Thanks to all for the replies regarding the Eber petrol heater.
So, I think I'll remove it, nail it to a plank, and fire it up on the drive pointing west.- see how much damage it can do before bolting it back into Eddy to keep ma toes warm this winter.
Incidentally - I'm told the Eberspacher heater cost as much as a type 2 engine, as a fitted option, way back in the days. !

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