Engine Break In and Run In

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mr scoops

Well-known member
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
My 1776 is being collected on Friday so should be with me early next week.
It's been spun up for oil pressure but needs the cam bedding in etc. Squeaky Bum time here!

So. I'm going to strip the IDF's I've got here and see what jets are in there.
I've been advised by Eurocrat the starting point will be;-
28 Vents
125 Mains
200 Airs
f11 Emulsion
40 Pump
55 Idle

So, fast forward and the carbs will be on, it'll be static timed and all on the bench stand and ready to go.

2250-2700rpm for 20 minutes and then oil change.

The next thing to do is run it in, but then it also needs to be rolling loaded. I'm going to get this done by getting it transported to Plympton from Weston, correctly jetted, and then drive it back.
Now, if I've not finished running it in, sitting on the M5 ain't going to do it any good all the way back is it?
BUT, running around with it without getting on the rolling road whilst running it in may cause a problem.

HELP! Advise needed, what do I need to do and more importantly in what order.
When I built my engine I was advised that a rolling road is a waste of time within the first 1,000 miles. :msn4:
Thanks Dude.
With the jettings being advised as they were from Eurocarb I know there's a guy local to me who can get it 95% right anyway.

Perhaps I'll get him to set it up etc, run it in, then do the Rolling Road thing.

When I rebuilt my 1600, I did about 15 miles under a range of speeds and loads (around town, motorway and ring-road) before doing 130 miles to and from a car show, sitting at 60mph the whole way :D
When I done my 2110 I did the cam burn with halfords 20w50 mixed with cam shield for 20 mins @ 2000 rpm. Once it was stone cold adjusted the valves and took it for a drive for about 30 mins going up and down hills to bed in the Pistons & barrels. Rechecked carbs and timing then took it home. As for running in, 500 miles minimum not exceeding 4000rpm then changed oil for tq valvoline with high zddp, Fram HP1 filter and adjusted valves again.

After that I considered it run in and pulled 7000rpm shifts down the A12 :lol: Then got it set up on the dyno

Everyone has a different approach, that was mine.
if you haven't got it, its worth buying this book, it has some good guidance on running in the engine

https://wordery.com/rebuild-aircooled-vw-engines-hp255-tom-wilson-9780895862259?currency=GBP&gtrck=WFBsb2JEMmsyQTBMYTlEbUpESDlMbFptN2NnMFpGWkh1cW56MkdrUFJjMlZwVlBmYU1xU2FnYnFNbUw4ZHQ3SFJDZDBlUjNMQXBuQUNYNnBma2pNRXc9PQ&gclid=CLiyke3DtskCFWoCwwoddLwJVw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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