exhaust wrap

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Apr 28, 2009
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hi there just a quick 1 ive got my engine out as ive cracked the head so doing a top end rebuild and looking at some photos of moddified engines and some have exhaust wrap ive got a modified exhaust and manifold and was wondering if its a benift of havin it on or not??? :?
yes in theory but in use when it gets soaked in engine oil and catches fire no :msn4:
exhaust wrap can increase the temp at the head. Not good on an aircooled engine.

On a water cooled engine exhaust wrap is useful for reducing under bonnet temp. and therefore intake charge temp. Good for power obviously.

On an aircooled the tinware keeps the intake temp down so exhaust wrap not really necessary
I had the same idea ! thinking it would help !! It didnt i had a large 4 into 1 header and decided to wrap it ! all it achieved was for the temperature of the engine to go through the roof !! i took it back off and all was normal again ! then a mate of mine pointed out that metal is a good conductor of heat like a radiator . so the natural air flow over the exhaust gets rid of the heat while your moveing and heat wrap traps it in the metal so its go nowhere to go !

Makes sense i suppose . :!: up to you but my experence wasnt a good one

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