Ferkin speed cameras.......

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2007
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Just got done by a speed camera. Apparently I was doing 36 in a 30 at 7 o'clock in the morning on a Sunday at the end of a dual carriageway where it comes into a single lane with a lower speed limit. Not that I'm implying as I've always believed that camera's are all about revenue or anything. :roll:

Question is: I know there are various urban myths about how to challenge them and most of them are rubbish. I do recall hearing that you request when the camera was last calibrated therefore questioning it's accuracy, or does that only apply to hand held devices?

Anyone know if this is true.
I tried the calibration one once and it get thrown back at me ... most are urban myths, so take it on the chin ;)
Clem said:
I tried the calibration one once and it get thrown back at me ... most are urban myths, so take it on the chin ;)
..........but it feels more like a kick in the balls :lol:
You can indeed challenge the calibration though they are usually upto date as the maintenance is out sourced....

You could do the It was being test driven by another party who left a cash deposit cant remember his name but said he lived at sliver street number 87 I think he said but the deal fell through blah blah blah, keep challenging it and quite often it falls flat and is dropped.......

or take it on the chin and accept the 3 points and 60 quid fine, it can be a real pain in the arse with the letters back and forth...
Ask for a picture to prove who was driving as it could alway of been someone else.
Got told to do this once by a friend of a friend who was a copper, apparently its upto whoever controls the cameras to prove it was you driving and with most gatso's taking a picture from behind the chances of them reckognising you behind the wheel is slim.
I did once write and say it was my sister driving , who was living in Oz, but had been home on a trip. I asked how this could be taken forward and was very willing to help .....

Never heard back.

Sorry Lord. :oops:
mjknight71 said:
ask for the picture anyway.....it's of your bus :mrgreen:

Yep, nice rolling shot! :twisted: (same sh*t overhere in the Netherlands with speed camera's. I work in Amsterdam and there somebody started to burn them down!!! :mrgreen: )
mjknight71 said:
ask for the picture anyway.....it's of your bus :mrgreen:

Actually I was in the work van which is a Vito Panel so not really worth it for the scrap book :wink:
Ah works van.....your pretty well fucked.....take your medicine.....

they will tend to pursue company vehicles wether leased or owned.........
Doesn't answer your question, but Swindon council have voted to remove all the speed cameras :shock:

They are mostly covered up now and will be removed soon.
Take the hit trust me.............

Basically you are alowd 10% + 2 mph.........

I tried to be clever back last yr in Sept, went thru red light on the way back from Poole, the fine came in and I wrote back saying please prove who was driving. I havd a nice picture of the back of the van (in the distance). I reitterated my request saying that the pic didnt prove anything. I recieved yet another copy picture. I wrote again and didnt hear anything...........

Feeling smug with myself right up untill April this year!

The outcome was £350 fine, £50 costs oh and 6 Points with a MS90 code for failing to ID a driver...... :lol:

If only I took the hit, you live and learn.

my tight arsed cousin took ages to send the reply back, then when he did he missed some info off and forgot (purposely) to sign it. then it took them ages to send it back. he then filled the missing bit then still forgot to sign it. it never came back a second time.

when i tried it i went down the route of proving who was driving, they sent me a photo of me booting my then polo 16v past a mobile camera unit. pointing directly at them. blatently swearing and abusing them. its a fair cop :oops:
Just got a ticket for doing 70 in a 60 on the A14 On the way to pick up my new bay from the shippers.Really thought the limit was 70 :?

Piston Heads said:

Councillors agree to stop taxpayer funding of speed cameras


Swindon Tory councillors voted last night to axe taxpayer funding of the local Speed Camera Partnership, saying the money spent on fixed cameras would be better spent elsewhere.

Last year Swindon voters coughed up £320,000 to pay for the cameras, while all the revenue from speeding tickets went straight into treasury coffers.

Speaking on the BBC this morning, local Tory councillor Peter Greenhalgh said current government road safety policy was ineffective.

“Department of Transport annual results show that nationally 6% of accidents are caused by people breaking speed limits yet almost 100% of government road safety money is invested in speed cameras,” he told listeners. “I can see that’s wrong, and the people of this country can see that’s wrong.”

Wiltshire Police, who supported the fixed cameras, have warned that Swindon is not likely to become a safe haven for speeders as they are considering increasing the use of handheld mobile cameras instead.

Swindon council’s labour contingent opposed the decision, but council leader Rod Bluh summed up the move last night with the following statement: “If you think the status quo isn’t working then you need to challenge that. If we can’t do that then maybe we shouldn’t be councillors.”

The Swindon decision is likely to give added impetus to the anti-camera lobby nationally, with other councils watching reaction carefully.
Author: Chris Rosamond

http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=18852" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Speed cameras are important in some areas of the country, but not when they are used as tools to produce revenue and especially not when that revenue is then used elsewhere instead of making the roads even safer, it just plugs a hole somewhere else in the economy. Will we see more councils follow suit? (probably not Northampton!!)
I got done for 36 in a 30 last year, got offered a driving course instead of 3 points. Bugger is the cut off 30-35 is fine 36-40 a course and 41+ points to a ban..

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