Generator - red light on!

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user 22223

Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
Hello all, newbie here so be gentle!

I am helping my mother in law get her early bay ready for putting it up for sale. I have hit a snag with charging.

About a year ago the van had been sat for several months due to illness and I got it going ready to be taken for MOT, this involved trying to sort a flickering generator light. This was fixed with just the top brush being replaced as I had no time to figure out how to get to the bottom brush and the top one fixed it.

Fast forward to yesterday, the van has sat since last July. I didn't put it away when it returned and the battery was not removed, when I started it up the generator light stayed on. A test drive resulted in having to bump start it after stopping at my house for a battery charger so it wasn't charging.

Today I replaced the battery to be sure, well it wasn't that! I prodded at the brushes with the motor running and the light went out and stayed out until I switched off and restarted the van, now no amount of prodding will turn out the light.

I have ordered a pair of dynamo/generator brushes, sound logical?

Also, without removing the fan belt is the bottom brush doable with a mirror and some patience? I tried to remove the fan belt yesterday and the bolt is far too stiff for me!

Should I look elsewhere for a solution to my problem, regulator perhaps?

I am only looking to repair this ready for sale, no need for an alternator conversion or anything else, I just want the red light to go out!

Thanks in advance!

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When a dynamo is not used for some time it gradually looses the 'residual magnetism' that is required to start it up. Nothing is wrong, this is perfectly normal for all dynamos and it does not normally cost anything to put it right. Either look up on the internet for 'Dynamo Polarisation' or drop me an email for the procedure specific to the VW dynamo.
Peter Good
peter @ volksgoods (without the spaces)
Thanks, I have emailed.

Might it just be brushes? I was under the impression that polarisation would only be an issue after several years without use. However, I will give it a go as I want this van to be running properly for any prospective purchaser!


The bottom brush is a pain in the ass to do, but it's certainly not taking the engine out or anything. The screw sticks a bit because of the carbon, and a screwdriver tends to bend the tab or round off the screw, yeh? Try using a pair of long-nosed pliers to get it started, that usually works for me.

So, give that a go for a fiver, and try re-polarising the dynamo. Might sort it, and it's certainly the cheapest option.
Thanks, as I can't see it I will "liberate" one of my wife's make up mirrors so I can see what is going on while I am removing and refitting it.

I know this is simple stuff but I have only done some tidying of botched wiring and fitted a radio and electric washer pump to the van prior to last year. That and polishing and waxing. The mechnicals were left to specialists apart from really easy stuff that I used to help with (pass spanners and offer opinions) before my father in law became ill. I tinker with my Saab mainly, and even then I have only needed to do little jobs.

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It was the brushes, they were about half as long as the new ones! My wife's little magnifying make up mirror worked a treat and the repair took 10 mins. (I won't be telling her it was sitting in an engine bay this afternoon!)

After a 20 mile test drive all is well, the van is running as well as ever.

Thanks for the polarisation info as well, although not needed this time.


(If anyone has an opinion on the price I have put the van up for sale at, feel free to PM me with your opinion. I am not fishing for sales or any public discussion but if anyone with experience thinks it is way off or something please let me know as my mother in law doesn't want the van sitting there reminding her of what should have been, Thanks)