Now the easiest option would obviously be to purchase one type of awning by a specific manufacturer but reality says that we will all have different requirements. If we could agree on a particular manufacturer (I'm interested in a Khyam for instance) I'm sure we could still get a decent discount even with a requirement for different models within the range.
I'vejust had the first reply back for my initial enquiries confirming that "a discount" would be offerred on a bulk purchase. The level of discount would be based on model, availability might potentially be an issue but the supplier has a good relationship with Khyam, they would not want to lose business if they could help it and it is still early in the season. So as these things can potentially take a while to arrange, lets see who would want what "in principal";
Gerard2009 : Khyam Motorhome Sleeper (Quick erect) plus groundsheet