have you seen that ridiculous 'early bay' thread on VZi?

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Yeah I was tempted to say that anyone with a pair of eyes and a sense of aesthetics would know why we chose earlybays :D
i started typing out a really long-winded reply to that thread......... and then thought *oh...i really can't be arsed* and deleted it.

i overheard a couple of my mates (both split owners) a few years ago at bug jam, chatting about me and my 'so-called' passion for early bays. turned out that they genuinely believed i said i preferred early bays to splits just to be stubborn, and only because i couldn't afford a split!??!!!! :roll: :lol:

i mean......c'mon! who would prefer an early bay to a split????????? dumbasses!
I did want a Split when I first got into the scene but very quickly changed my mind when I bought my EB. There is no way in HELL that I'd change it for a Split now. Yes Splits are 'cool' but not as cool as EB's imo and no where near as practical. I'm stoked every time I look at my Bus, its sooooooooo sexy :lol: :mrgreen:
Theres always a certain amount of snobbery and elitism in a scene with so many different versions of something. I remember my scootering days and all the Vespa v Lambretta rivalry which filtered down to perticuler models and where they were made etc.

Even on this fine site theres been one or two less favourable comments about crossovers :roll: certainly enough to make you wonder wether COs are only really accepted because someone put 'for owners of lowlight busses' instead of 'owners of small light busses' :mrgreen:

Truth is we need a bit of rivalry as long as its not in any way hurtful.

I would love a split, but not as much as an early panel and then it will have to be a 68 8)

In a way im glad my wife ( who owns our 72, though you wouldnt know it when all the work needs doing :? ) never comes on this or any other forum. She has little idea about differences and just loves driving the old girl and camping, she wouldnt swap it for the world.

Before I bought the wife the bus I was really not that big on aircooled but now I just lust for that 68 panel and its all because of this site :D
Don't dignify it with a response - the guy that started the thread is obviously a Splitty snob who just wants everyone to think "Oh, you've got a Splitty - you're so cool!!"

He's a dick. End of.

just gona say he sounds a snob. thought it as soon as i read it so left him:

its exactly like the barndoor thing. the distinction between the body shape changes thats all. earlybays rule!!

'61 23 window
'69 double cab
'71 model dormobile

hes only got an 11 window :roll: :lol:
Got to page 5 and lost the will to read any more - is it me or is there a different type of member on Vzi? (certainly don't seem as friendly as EB.com) and that's probably why I've never registered there..... the guys trolling - so I wouldn't bother replying
I have to ask this


:lol: got board halfway down the first page each to there own, splits are very nice but hell it would be second in line.....
I didnt know Vzi excisted untill now. Its an anagram for the VIZ the mag that was out quite a few yrs ago, i thought i was crap and ran by a bunch of NOBS. :oops:. Much the same as the web site.
Dont think ill be crossing over tho the other side, better to get abuse by the people i know on here :msn4:
i would love a split as well..and notch,ghia,single cab,double........
them with splits would love an early as well...one tried buying mine at DATC.

i very very rarely go on the chat bit. just use the North west bit (bugnutz). got fed up a few years ago when some randomer was on about feelin suicidal cos his one eyed budgie had died or summat :roll:
Pfft! ;)

What a bunch of tools!

When I bought ours I could've afforded a split, as I am sure a lot of others could have, the guy who started the thread is clearly a moron, as are some of the contributors.

I know what I like and don't need someone to tell me why.

Also the people on this forum, and whom I've met at shows are the coolest. EB 4 Life!

And a ghia (when the missus isn't looking!)
I read upto about page 3,decided enough was enough and went outside to play on a small rear light model ;) :lol:
Usually only use VZi to trawl the for sale section
VZi has many many users,and all are individuals, so lets not judge them all by the words of some :)

Lets not start or get embroiled in any forum wars ;)
Clem said:
Lets not start or get embroiled in any forum wars ;)


Noted Clem ;)
Skipped through a few pages, at the end of the day as a fairly new person to the scene ( had mine about 18 months) the way i see it you buy what you like, but at the end of the day they are all vw's, can we not all play nicely together now???
just started lookin and soon got pissed off bored,me and most owners i know have owned many vw over years,its just evolution you work your way to the best all rounder,just happens to be early bay,vw got the thing right,simple!!!!!