Hello everybody from a new user - Mr Hornblower

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Mr Hornblower

Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Ireland
Hello ! Just posting an introduction about myself !

Spent many a holiday as a kid in my dad's VW T2 tin top with Devon conversion and have decided to buy one myself with a pop up roof RH drive - I Moved to the R.O.I. a few years back and would appreciate any advise/help in finding one below £10,000 and as I have no Garage to work on one I would like it to be in good condition.

Thanks -Mr Hornblower !
Welcome Mr Hornblower....

10K certainly would get you a good bus indeed...

Rust rust rust

Dont let the heart rule the head

Take someone along with you

Have a look in the reference section for images you want to be looking at

Try and work out what you want before hand, devon, dormobile, westfalia etc....
Thanks !- I would prefer a Devon conversion with cloth seats Cooker/Grill/Hobs/Fridge - and a porta loo or space to fit one

Have noticed alot of lowered models ? how do they deal with sleeping policemen etc and do they drive any better ?
Have noticed alot of lowered models ? how do they deal with sleeping policemen etc and do they drive any better ?

Depends on whos done it, what option they've used and how low..... your probably as well to avoid until you really know and understand the options available. Go stock and if you want to go lower you can read up and do it the way you prefer and to your own standard
Cheers Araon - personaly I prefer the Original look but was interested in hearing if the road handling was better - saying that my old man seemed to handle his T2 bay ok with it full of kids ;)
The ride should be comfy a little bounce almost boat like, though you can get caught out on windy days which is where the mildly lowered bus comes in, often people will just trim the front end down a touch to level off the bus as they do have a slight nose up stance.

Lowering often makes the ride stiffer and badly done will make it very uncomfortable indeed, though it probably will make for a more manageable drive....

Horses for courses....
Thanks Araon - I've seen some Devon conversions and they seem to be different from what I can remember ! maybe it wasn't ? I remember it having a 3 seater front bench and then a bench seat directly behind facing another benched seat that had storage underneath with a table that lowered to make a double bed - Can you define what my dad had - Thanks !
what part of the south are you from? your welcome to come up and look at my devon any time.

welcome to EB ;)
Araon - cant remember the year - but it was a tin top and my dad did alot of work on it and fitted the conversion himself (he was pretty handy being a mechanic and a allrounder) suppose they all were in those days !

I'd hazzard a guess at 70/71 ?
Thanks ! I'll keep looking - no rush - If you see a top Bus with no rust strong engine and pop up all kitted out (Not so bothered about speakers and all the boy racer stuff) but a decent kitchen and family aspect - comfey and smart.giveme a shout ! - Cheers !
I'd not be overly bothered at this stage about the engine, make sure the shell is a good one, stock engines are plentiful at the mo......
ib-bus - Thanks - any advise on looking ie time of year and what to look out for !

As I'm willing to spend a few bob but don't want the vultures coming in with a fancy looker but a nightmare underneath

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