Help bus won't start stuck in carpark

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
Just finished a 13 hour shift and I'm stuck in the works car park as the bus won't start.
For a few days when I turn the key instead of starting first time it whirrs and takes a good few pumps of the accelerator to start.
Now it's completely dead, anything I can do??
Supertramp said:
Just finished a 13 hour shift and I'm stuck in the works car park as the bus won't start.
For a few days when I turn the key instead of starting first time it whirrs and takes a good few pumps of the accelerator to start.
Now it's completely dead, anything I can do??
if its happened over a few days bud i would say poss your fuel pumps on the way out :(
if you have any fuel in a can mite be worth poreing a little straight in the carb ,i presume youve checked you have a spark
That was my last bloody shift for a week and I was going to spend the time sorting it.
It's not firing at all. Nothing coming from it now not even a whirr.

(It's electric ignition)
Supertramp said:
That was my last bloody shift for a week and I was going to spend the time sorting it.
It's not firing at all. Nothing coming from it now not even a whirr.

(It's electric ignition)
so is it turning over
Supertramp said:
That was my last bloody shift for a week and I was going to spend the time sorting it.
It's not firing at all. Nothing coming from it now not even a whirr.

(It's electric ignition)

Is starter sticking? if so rock van back & forth in gear or get under van & whack starter with hammer ;)
Ands1 said:
Supertramp said:
That was my last bloody shift for a week and I was going to spend the time sorting it.
It's not firing at all. Nothing coming from it now not even a whirr.

(It's electric ignition)

Is starter sticking? if so rock van back & forth in gear or get under van & whack starter with hammer ;)

Cheers for all the advice. Used my spanner to whack the starter and got a little whirr so called out a local garage who used a hammer and gave it a few taps but still wasn't enough so he tow started me and I'm now back home, 16hrs after arriving at work.

So I suppose my next question is, how difficult is it to replace the starter? :lol:
Pretty easy to change although I nearly popped my shoulder out changing mine :lol:
you might need to be double jointed :)

There's a nut located in engine bay which is for the infamous d bolt which requires (17mm?) spanner, pain to get at but gets easy with practice.

Most importantly dis-connect your battery first!!

I would rate it as an easy job.
A 17mm ratchet spanner is great for the nut behind the fan housing, good luck with the fix

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