Hi Honey,,,,,,, I`m home !!!

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Jan 24, 2010
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East Brizzal
Well I`m home,, Mrs Ozziedog is nowhere to be seen so had to rustle up something myself, not usually a good thing, as I`m not much good at working out how much to put on the plate, so I tend to err on the large side. Just done a boatload of oven chippies (much healthier) some peas and some fishfingers, but I used the last 4 in the box so I had to open another box and they all acidently fell into the oven tray :shock: It`s a good thing anyway as we need to empty the freezer for defrosting ;) ;) A little (lot) brown sauce and we`re good to munch. Feeling a bit bloated now though. Tried ringing Mrs Ozziedog but it`s not even ringing, just going straight to the answer machine ???? Are you thinking what I`m thinking ??? You know,,,, `When the dogs away` etc etc, do you think she`s buggered off ?? I shouldn`t have thought so because it`s not Christmas and I`ve just had my birthday.
So Lincoln,,,, what a place !! didn`t actually see any of it as it was dark by the time me and Sherbie rolled in and we stopped at the showground for the weekend. Pulled into a space near a couple of earlies, so i`m thinking that`s cool. Smacked a quick Stella down and went for a wander, got back to the bus and crashed out, the run took a bit more out than I thought. Next day spent chillin and wandering around and chattin to a few peeps and this fella comes over from the opposite early and says " You wouldn`t happen to be Ozzy would you ?" Low and behold I went and parked right opposite Strongy, top bloke by the way. Hit on the neighbours just after and it turns out to be Matt 1984 so it`s all good. Now Strongy is in with a big posse of good fun guys and we had a beer or two later on, But Matt,,, what can I say, how cool is he,, he`s got a great bus for him and his gal, but he comes prepared,,, he has a little tent parked outside his bus with not one but two spare young ladies,,, so he`s got three ! :shock: Hats off to Matt 1984, I thought I was well prepared but that takes some beating.
Great little show, could have had a bit more food choice is about the only thing, but we was there drinking and not so much eating. Went on a bit of a Stella onslaught last night and we all ended up chuckling the night away (all,,, apart from the security guard that I`d upset) " Sorry mate", that should sort it. We all bailed out fairly sharpish this morning as the weather was looking a bit omnibus and me and Matt had a bit of a run to do. Now on the way home, was it blowy or was it blowy, I had aches from gripping the steering so tight fighting against the gusts so I had to go even slower, 55 or less on the speedo so maybe 45 ish in real terms ?? But did it in 4 hours 10 mins had to stop 3 or 4 times to get my nerves back and to roll a fag, couldn`t roll a ffag in the bus as I needed both hands on the wheel.
The only disasters were on the way up , I lost a carbby return spring, took a wrong un onto the M6 and hit a huge bump on the motorway as I was rollin one and tobacco and filters went all over the cab floor. Apart from that,,, what a great weekend and meeting up with those two guys really made it for me. Worth a visit ! ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, He`s back !! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :mrgreen:
I just love reading your posts, they do make me laugh.

My favourite bit is how all the fish fingers fell into the oven tray.
Glad you made it up and back in one piece! Didn't get to the show ground until 11.30 this morning and had a quick look round for any other earlybayers, but I'm guessing you'd all set off home! Weather was proper horrible early afternoon though! I to have blisters on my hands from trying to keep it in a straight line, and i only had 60 miles to get home!

Good to see ozziedog's back..... :) :)
Welcome Back Ozzy :D

Top Tip:- Always roll enough smokes for the way home ;) I got fed up sweeping bakky off the floor and smoking all the fluff and bits that comes with it ;)
Hey ,,, thanks you guys,, and Nick, It`s when you get bits of nylon fibres in with the baccy and you`re smoking that crap, And anyone that I missed as we were passing, I would normally honk or wave or flash, but today was a bit of just keeping both hands on the wheel and hang on for the ride. Saw a few bays that i suppose were headed to the showground, flashed some, but man those gusts today had me down to about 45 ish on the piggin motorway :shock: I was wondering if it may be something to do with me being a lightweight :lol: And that`ll be the bus and not me, I don`t have a fully fitted interior yet and I`d drunk most of the booze so there weren`t a lot of weight in the bus (apart from me). How did every one else get on today ??
I`m remembering bits and pieces about the weekend, I can remember seeing the `Krusty` sc parked in the corner and I rode down there a few times on my bike but no one about. I saw it driving round the camp but there were a zillion kids in the back so I didn`t flag him down. I also met a couple of guys, one had a bug but I thought one was an Earlybayer and his user was Lowlife and some numbers or lowlight maybe, they were good fun and nearly as bolloxed as me and maybe don`t even remember me either :lol: Matt and Strongy and me were parked past the centre of the camp about halway between the ddgems and the bogs, opposite a Trekker and one of Strongy`s mates had a real cool rail with a cow in it ?? And my bus is white and had a maroon Chrysler Prowler (bike) chained up to the front. Any hooooow we had a bit of a session around Matts fire pit and we had quite a few visitors turn up throughout the night, but because of the gusts, some were suffering with `smoke gets in your eyes` , and someone had suggested wearing shades to keep the smoke out of your eyes and we all looked a bit weird in the pitch black with our shades on , and funnily enough, when we were wearing shades, we didn`t get anymore visitors ? :? So it was `A` it was late and everyone else went to sleep, or`B`they didn`t like the look of the `weird gang` in the dark with shades on, or `C`we were still getting visitors but were too pissed and couldn`t see them because we had our shades on. :lol: I was also being force fed with toasted marshmallows by some very nice young lady and eventually we hit the sack about 2 ish.
Woke up at 7, yes 7 in the morning with bright sunshine pouring into my eye sockets and made a mental note to myself to do something about some shades for the bus, and started putting up jackets and things to keep the sun out of my eyes. Then had the thirty second warning that my bum was gonna burst, something to do with the saturday lunch of a chilli jacket spud and tea of Thai red curry with his special magic (mental hot) sauce, a great formula if you got any pooing problems, so legged it for the loos, first visit of three :shock: So just as well I woke up at 7 as that would have taken a lot of clearing up in the back of the bus. Got my head back down till about 8ish and then the Sunday visitors were starting to arrive with the loudest clickers on their cameras you`ve ever heard ! :roll: And `SOME PEOPLE` were actually letting their kids out to play and wreak havoc on my allready pounding temples. So I got up :shock: Somehow , I could not for the life of me remember how to work the little stove to boil the kettle :x So it was water for brekky. Matt and Strongy had started to break camp so we all headed for the hills before the rain came in ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, You don`t want to go drinking with that Ozziedog,, :lol: ;) :lol:
sounds like my trip home was a little easyer than yours ozzie.think it was about 5 mins for me :mrgreen:

was a good night last night but friday night took its toll and i think you were on a 5:1 ratio with the stella.next time il try and match ya.alltho the way you were knocking em back i might just aim for a 2:1

was nice to meet matt and missus and the thread master in person and look foward to sharing a beer again sometime.

matt is defo on to a winner with the ladys and a warm fire.we even got frilly knickers blowing thru the camp :lol:

oh and the dash too the loos ozzie wouldent have been helped by the chicken tikka slice at 2am this mornin :lol:
Glad you all had a good time - so wish I could join in the fun - one day :D
Kyrk72 said:
I just love reading your posts, they do make me laugh.

My favourite bit is how all the fish fingers fell into the oven tray.

Hey Kyrk,, if that`s your favourite bit,, would you mind awfully explaining to Mrs Ozziedog when she rolls in ? :lol:

sparkywig said:
You could've rung and told me you were home. I've been worrying all day.......

Hey MUM (Sparkywig) I`m home,,,,,, :roll: :lol: :roll:

I`d forgotten all about the chicken tikka slice, but if I remember correctly (not often when pissed), that was during a little PR exercise experiment thet I`d been conducting ;)
And how you can blatantly lie (tell fibs) about your cronies running around the camp stealing ladies underwear then trying to return it for favours :shock: <--- see that`s how shocked I was,,, :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think other bits will get remembered bit by bit, :shock: And apologies to anyone camped within 100metres of us lot :lol: (and sorry again to the guard fella) , ` Thread Master` 8) ,,, I like that, I like that a lot, you do me more than proud and I got to say that the weekend never kicked off till YOU spotted that mug !!! So next time we hook up, we`ll have plenty of Stella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,again! :p :p

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Off up the pub in a minute to tell all about my new adventures in Lincoln ! :lol: :roll: :lol:
Sounds like fun!

With you on the gusty winds.....I drove down to "Dubs at the Park" today 8) - and was getting blown all over the place on the motorways (and also with you on the rolling up whilst driving :D )
gninnam said:
Glad you all had a good time - so wish I could join in the fun - one day :D

Listen Andy,,, If you ever hear that I`m within 50miles of you and your bus ain`t ready, just ring me or P.M. me and I`ll pick you up on the way. If there`s space in the bus, you are more than welcome to fill it. Sometimes the bus is full and sometimes it `s just me. If we`re out of space bring a car and a tent and camp with me.

Ozziedog,,,, Might not have been so much fun if I hadn`t woken up at 7 :shock: would it ? :lol: ;) :lol:
What an epic tale of tea making...

...oh and of course that wee bit about Lincoln!

Can't beat a dozen fish fingers with chips now, can you :lol:
Same goes here Andy! When I get more seats fitted back in the van you're welcome to join on any jaunt :)

I heard from Tintop that you're doing all your own welding on your bus at the moment? If you ever need a hand give us a shout. I'm a complete welding novice, but a keen extra pair of hands if you need 'em!
Larry,, Might try and do this Oxford thing with them sambo fellas that`s sort of halfway, might be able to hook up, but it`ll likely be alchohol free day time stuff :shock: But we can see how it goes,, might not be allowed out to play yet :roll:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, Off up the pub now ! :p ;) :lol:
ozziedog said:
gninnam said:
Glad you all had a good time - so wish I could join in the fun - one day :D

Listen Andy,,, If you ever hear that I`m within 50miles of you and your bus ain`t ready, just ring me or P.M. me and I`ll pick you up on the way. If there`s space in the bus, you are more than welcome to fill it. Sometimes the bus is full and sometimes it `s just me. If we`re out of space bring a car and a tent and camp with me.

Ozziedog,,,, Might not have been so much fun if I hadn`t woken up at 7 :shock: would it ? :lol: ;) :lol:

You may regret making that offer one day :msn4:

Cheers mate and will keep an eye on your travels ;)
Well well what can I say about this weekend. The show itself was average but the company however was superb. As has been already mentioned I was a lucky lad having 3 girls with me. Friday was a good night, we got the fire pit going and met Strongy and his mates. (not forgeting Dave) We all got on it pretty hard and probably caused far too much noise but it was a very good night not sure what time we went to bed but i was in a bad state :lol:
Saturday daytime we met the man that is Ozzie was another funny evening around the fire plenty of beers flowing thanks to Ozzie and Strongy then we had a bit of a jobs worth security guard having a moan about the noise but we carried on for a little while later.

Howard Marks on Saturday night was really funny. I think he's a top bloke. Something different for a show.

The drive home really was shit scary due to the wind. My hands were sore from gripping the wheel so hard. I was so glad to get home, not fun at all.

I gotta say it was a wicked weekend due to the new people we met. Looking forward to having another good session with Mr Strongy and friends and Ozzie dog soon probably bustoppover. Also those pastys were lovelly at about 2ish this morning. Ozzie thanks for giving Jo the coat last night she was very greatfull.

The knicker moment was so funny you couldnt make it up, :lol: :lol: A few picture below;





Knickers anyone?

Strongy and friends

Howard Marks

Fire dancing
Glad someone got some photies, and they have got to be a lot better if I ain`t in them :lol: Back from the pub now and hitting the Vaginamite sarnies. Great that everyone had a good good time :p (apart from the security dude) We have GOT to hook up again and next time we`ll make it mental :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, Yeah,,,, you just couldn`t make it up !! :lol: 8) :lol:
Wicked,,, round two of the sarnies and I`m checking out the photies. The first one with you and your band of hunnies has got to be just before I rocked up unless you photoshopped Sherbie (my bus) out of it, he won`t be impressed when I tell him. (Does anybody else on here talk to their bus???) :shock: (So,,,,,,, it`s just me then,, ;) ) . I think you lot tell fibs ! :evil: I like the one of the `Strong Possee` and just a little later (Shall we forget about the KACKS) is Sherbie looking absolutely awesome with his little mate C.P. out the front. You`d never guess in a million years that was my bus would you ?? :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, I`ve never heard of `wind` blowing kacks off before ??? :lol: ;) :lol:
Hay ozzie yer that was before you rocked up. Man what a weekend.

Is anyone else today blowing what look like chunks of Creosote out of there nose today :shock:
Hey Matt,,, I reckon you was just a little bit too close to the fire that night ! I did have some weird things blowing out my dash vents on the way home, I reckon them gusts were shifting stuff in there that hadn`t been loosened for years. One of the things that came out, even I wouldn`t touch, looked a bit like an ancient chrysalis, sorta like alien 3 :shock: And Matt, you have got to tell em about the kacks, because just like you said,,, "You couldn`t make it up" :msn4: If I told the story, I think the peeps on here would take it with a pinch of salt, ;) ;) But I will start the story off,,,,
It was blowing a hoooley, the wind hadn`t let up for hours, everything you could see was shaking violently in the gusts of wind, the ferocity was such that it could not be measured accurately with an early bay speedo, (surprised ?) :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,Over to you now mate ! :lol: 8) :lol:

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