Tucked up under there in the tightest to access part, is a small brown wire which I pulled off accidentally as I thought it was the horn wire going right through the steering column. I now know it doesn't go through there.... I have smallish hands and my fingers just about reach in the gap. Can the plate (next photo) come off to give access from above that joint, or is it a case of entire steering column off?

I have the typical horn going off when turning right problem. I've disconnected the horn underneath for now. But now I have also lost high beam.
I have also bought a new turn signal switch as the other jammed and then would no longer work. The new one stays on but doesn't cancel off again. I can hear the wotsit clicking as I turn so it should be? It worked before on the old one before it jammed up.
Does it have anything to do with these bits of plastic that have fallen out of the steering area and I found on the floor?

Thanks for any help