Hi all me again trying to keep you all busy answering my questions :lol:. I did have the dreaded hot start problem van starts fine cold but hot not a chance. I thought the problem was the ignition so I installed a start button and relay but that didn’t fix owt so when it was hot I still had to use a wire from the solenoid to the battery which worked fine. However I’ve just put my engine back in after a major overall and now I can’t start it at all from the button hot or cold, I still have a wire from the solenoid into the engine bay which I touch the battery and the engine fires up ok so I’m scratching my head. I’ve had the starter checked out and the start button, all ok there. When I press the start button the alternator and oil light dim like it’s trying to but no joy. All the terminals are really clean and tight and the earth strap is like brand new. I can understand the hot start problem but I can’t get my head round why it’s started doing it all the time any help would be brill thanks